Passow Consumes Texas Blues' Smoked Salmon

Two years ago I met up with Texas Blues in the dry ditch that is Las Vegas. He was working so couldn’t join me for a pint but he did leave me with his teriyaki smoked salmon. Over the next 24 hours I ate like a king, a few pounds of fish gone, definitely received a lifetime dose of Omega 3 fatty acid that day.

Ever since then I’ve fantasized and dreamt about that meal. Now, out of the kindness of his heart, TB sent me a gift….MORE SALMON (as seen in Me So Horney Salmon thread)!!!!!!!

Cooked to perfection, tender yet slightly firm it just falls about when you touch it. Nice, lasting taste of teriyaki combines well with the fishy taste and slight sweetness from the pineapple and coated in what seems to be EVOO (extra virgin olive oil). Excellent smokey flavor!. Oh god, it’s amazing and beautifully crafted!!!! Thanks TB!!!!! He also told me I was required to post pictures of me eating it, so as promised, the fine folks at THP get to watch me eat.

The shipment (California Drivers License for scale)

Unhinging my jaw…..ready to consume!

Sickmont said:
Man, you do have a big mouth. 10 bucks says you can't get a cue ball in there.....:hell:
Ya, it's large normally, but with the help of my photoshopping skillz, it got bigger (actually, it was a really half arsed attempt, I could have made it much better).
Nice pics IGG! You do the smoked salmon justice. I have been tempted to make a super wombat habanero smoked salmon but will need to tweek it just right so as not to kill the fish( already had one wood shampoo). That's ALL omega 3 there too so you can't OD on it! Don't goes great with beer too!

Cheers, TB.
TB what temp did you smoke that at? I am going to give that a go. I just reread the original thread and that looks tasty.
JayT said:
TB what temp did you smoke that at? I am going to give that a go. I just reread the original thread and that looks tasty.

I am a total failure! I never thought to stick a thermometer in the smoker. I will say that when I did it in the mini chiefs it was 50 degrees outside on the old back porch. I would take a guess at around 190 plus but not more than 220. Dude once you get your own recipe of smoking the stuff and tweek it to your liking, you will go crazy for it. I'll most likely be doing another batch in a few weeks and I'll get exact measurements of my basic recipe which can serve as a base for whatever type of brine you wish to turn it into. I've been doing it so long I just start tossing stuff together..

Cheers, TB.
JayT said:
TB what temp did you smoke that at? I am going to give that a go. I just reread the original thread and that looks tasty.

Salmon should go low and slow at like 150-180 degrees. The meat is done at 150F and you should shoot to keep the smoke close to that temp. Smoked salmon is a thing of beauty.

TB did you ever see my old cardboard box smoked salmon thread? I saw it on Good Eats and had to give it a shot, and it worked out great.

you'll recognize the red remote thermometer from my current grow log :)
Txclosetgrower said:
Salmon should go low and slow at like 160-180 degrees. The meat is done at 160F and you should shoot to keep the smoke close to that temp. Smoked salmon is a thing of beauty.

TB did you ever see my old cardboard box smoked salmon thread? I saw it on Good Eats and had to give it a shot, and it worked out great.

you'll recognize the red remote thermometer from my current grow log :)

I do remember that thread and saw that show as well. What a hoot. When I have used the smoker outside at temps around 15 I would get a large cardboard box that fit over the smoker with at least enough room to not actually touch it. I think you are pretty right on as far as the temp. The fish will actually be cooked through long before the smoke process is done to my liking.

Cheers, TB.
smoked salmon pizza? Never would have thought of that. I'm making a stromboli tonight myself. Have the dough proofing now.
JayT said:
smoked salmon pizza? Never would have thought of that.
That's why my pizza's famous and your's is not.

: sticks out tongue :



Oh ya, it came out amazing btw!!!! I was dipping it in El Yukateco XXXtra Hot and Hippy's After Burner sauce (which is fantastic! I'm ramping up for a review)
imaguitargod said:
That's why my pizza's famous and your's is not.

: sticks out tongue :



Oh ya, it came out amazing btw!!!! I was dipping it in El Yukateco XXXtra Hot and Hippy's After Burner sauce (which is fantastic! I'm ramping up for a review)

So you made a pizza and topped with the salmon? Get down brown Passow! Pics?

Cheers, TB.
I have a bud here that smokes and cans his own salmon in Alaska and then brings it here and makes cream cheese spread with it. Heaven!