Passow Gets a Pormotion

I felt this is the best spot for this. Alot of you know that I've been reviewing products for Joe and Linda over at The Hot Zone Online for many years now.

We've been disqussing it, and I've accepted my new promotion. Passow is now an Editor in addition to being a journalist. That's right, they gave the guy with dyslexia and horrable spelling skills power to edit peoples articles/comments........mwahahahaha :hell:

Click here to see the wonderful post and lovely picture they chose to post of me

I hope this is ok to post here as it's not a review, just a bit of news pretaining to my life.
Wow, do they know you can't test sauces with sulfites, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, mustard..... water, and... what the hell else??!!! :lol:

JayT said:
Wow. Is that a paid position? :lol: Congrats.
Thanks. Nope, still doing this for free much to many people's dismay. said:
Wow, do they know you can't test sauces with sulfites, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, mustard..... water, and... what the hell else??!!!

Lots of stuff else :shh:

Actually, I'm thinking of amending the submition guidelines to read my sulfites and artificial colors allergies.

Novacastrian said:
Whats a pormotion?
:banghead: And they made me an editor? HA! :crazy:
imaguitargod said:
Ya, I think I will. I don't feel like I've ever let them down and I don't aim to anytime in the future.

yeah, you save all your let downs for here with us....:lol:
Congrats! BTW....they do know that's not your pic, right? :lol:

Oh and check out if you haven't already. Great program and its free and has saved me tons of times. ;)

moyboy said:
yeah, you save all your let downs for here with us....:lol:

They are obviously braver than THP....:rofl:
moyboy said:
yeah, you save all your let downs for here with us....:lol:
What can I say, I feel at home here. I can run around here in my underwear and not get strange looks.

Pepperfreak said:
Congrats! BTW....they do know that's not your pic, right? :lol:
What? What do you mean that's not my picture? I./...oh wait....that's Joe Dirt!

Pepperfreak said:
Oh and check out if you haven't already. Great program and its free and has saved me tons of times. ;)
When I write stuff to be published professionally (THP doesn't count......unless I'm really ranting about something) I always type it up in Word first. then I spell check it, read it twice, and then publish it. I have everything I've ever written backed up in multiple copies.
That's cool...I just love that program cause it works in all forums, web pages, im messages and the like. Real easy and free. said:
Wow, do they know you can't test sauces with sulfites, preservatives, artificial colors, flavors, mustard..... water, and... what the hell else??!!! :lol:

Sauces without bribes, everything tastes like crap without bribes;)