• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2017

Seeds in the distilled water soak tonight,
into Jiffy Pellets tomorrow... Happy New


Seeds started 01/01/2017:
JA Red Habanero (CPI and self-selected) - 3
Fatali, yellow (Pepper Joe) - 3
PDN x Bonda Ma Jacques (F5 Trippa's cross) - 3
Aji Amarillo (F5 self selected) - 3
Rocotos/Manzanos/Cabe Gendot (self selected) - 7
Orange Bhut Copenhagen (Refining Fire) - 2
Aji Limo (Peruvian 2015) - 2
Scorpion, yellow (F5 self selected) - 3
Aji Lemon Drop (Tradewinds Fruit) - 2
Scotch Bonnet MoA (Trident Chilies, John) - 3

Numbers refer to target number of plants
for season 2017 grow. Annuums go into
Germination chambers in March.
az1000 said:
Happy New Year and good luck with your grow!
Thanks, Nicolau, same to you, my friend!
stettoman said:
Great season to you, friend!

Just so you know, I had around a 50% germ rate on your F5. Might've just been my ham handed gardening, but then the seeds from packet simply marked "Peruvian aji am 2015" I got 14 sprouts from 14 seeds.

That's awesome, Eric.  I am glad they were viable.  
That's good news, I just started some myself!  The Peruvian
Abi Amarillo were brought from Peru by a friend of ours
early last spring; she collected them from market fruit herself.
I have always had good success with those fresh peruvian 
seeds, and from their offspring.
Devv said:
Happy New Year and have a great season Paul!
Thanks, Scott.  Luck your way. as well!
moruga welder said:
HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIEND !  Wishing you the best with this years grow ,       :onfire:
Thanks, Frank.  Hope the new year finds your shoulder getting a little batter!
Good luck for season 2017...
tctenten said:
Good luck this year Paul. Will be following.
Thanks, Terry; I'll do a better job of following grow logs this season!
Good luck to you!
OCD Chilehead said:
Oh, that looks fantastic. Can't wait for Spring.

I'm growing the Amarillo for the first time this year. Looks like a good pepper.

Good luck with the germination.

Heres to 2017!
Thanks, Charles!  Good luck with the AA.  they are one of
the best all-around peppers going, I think.
Hope you have a stellar 2017 grow season!
Trident chilli said:
All the best Paul for 2017 I hope you get a bumper crop ....
Thank you, John.  I have some of those MoA seeds
in the germination chambers... Looking forward to
growing them out.  Thanks, friend!
Masher said:
Looking good paul..will be following along tracking your results.

Happy New Year and loaded harvest :cheers:
Thanks Dan, same here!  Hope all the best for your new season!
bpiela said:
Best of luck in 2017!
Thanks, Ben.  I hope your new season rocks!
stettoman said:
One of your Peruvians produced a tri-cotyledon. That's better than a four leaf clover, if I remember the story I made up right.....
This board is pretty cool... i been growing for the last two years different peruvian chillies.... ive had aji amarillo, aji limo, aji miche and aji arnaucho... ive tried overwintering to no success

Sent from my GT-N5110 using Tapatalk
Thanks and bienvenido to THP, Martin!

Have you checked out the overwintering
threads on the forum? Lots of great info.
My success with OWs has been spotty,
in my climate I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
Might be more worthwhile in your area if you
can keep the pests under control.

Good luck in the coming season!

Germination underway
actually, i have to battle aphids non stop every year,,, that sometghing that drives me insane... i wish i knew how i could get rid of those lil pesky bastards..... I try to be as organic as possible when i do the soap and water , it affects the foliage of the chilies to much , so i do them by hand... not happy about it , but it kinda is what it is 