• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2019 - Three Gallon Grow

Decided to put links to my other threads in the first post
of my new threads so I can find them easily when looking for
information. Did that this year on the first page and it is
very handy:
PaulG 2012
PaulG 2013
PaulG 2014
PaulG 2015
PaulG 2016
PaulG 2017
PaulG 2019
So, this thread is sort of a sub-thread to my regular 2019 Grow Log.

I am growing ten plants in 3-gallon pots this season.

Thinking about this because I want to be able to move
them in and out of the garage or greenhouse this Fall in
order to extend the season. Plus, I am not sure how much
longer I want to wrestle with the big containers. Even wet
10-gallon pots are getting heavier each year, and always
having to get help to lift the big containers in and out of their
saucers is getting to be a drag.

This thread will concentrate on just the 3-gallon plants. If I
can get decent production from a 3-gallon Pot, that would
be great. I think that will be the case based on my grow of
the Aji Amarillo plants in 2-gallon pots in 2017.

The ten plants included in this mini-grow:
  • JA Red Habanero
  • Yellow Scorpion
  • SLR cross
  • Aji Amarillo
  • Peruvian Red Rocoto
  • Chiltepin
  • Goats Weed
  • c. chacoense
  • BJ Hybrid (3-inch pod)
  • ? - probably Mark's (Dragon49) PdNxBJ if it arrives healthy and I can get it going!.
Just a little greenhouse update.

Picked another ripe Aji Amarillo and two more ripening:

A couple of views of the Goats Weed. Ripening nicely:
Three gallon plants in the greenhouse keep plugging along.

Aji Amarillo ripening up a few more pods:

More little pods showing color on the c. chacoense:

Will be picking another batch off the Goats Weed very soon:
Just love the way those Goat's look! If I don't get any Goat's weed off the train, you up for a trading a couple of varieties? I know you have a few interesting types, but that one really stands out to me every time I see it. How hot are those you grow? I read they fall in between 20-40k, but hear they can be hotter than typical habanero too. It's like an evolved Serrano.. Gotta catch em all!
Be happy to do a swap with you, my friend! Just PM me
your addy.Be sure to let me know if you see anything else
you'd like from my grow. My profile list is pretty complete.
I will try to start sending out seeds next Monday.
These GW came from stc3248 in 2012. To me, one of the
most beautiful pepper plants. It doubles as an ornamental
with its silver and light green fuzzy foliage, but with good
flavor and heat! Really a stunner when full of red and black
Heat level is about as you describe. In our PNW climate,
pods don't get as hot as in hotter climes, but they make
a great powder. Never tasted one with habanero kind of
heat. I haven't grown these in a while, these seeds were
from 2014.
Fermenting a batch of these with a hab or two might make
a great sauce base.
Forgot to quote your text above. Sorry.
CraftyFox said:
Just love the way those Goat's look! If I don't get any Goat's weed off the train, you up for a trading a couple of varieties? I know you have a few interesting types, but that one really stands out to me every time I see it. How hot are those you grow? I read they fall in between 20-40k, but hear they can be hotter than typical habanero too. It's like an evolved Serrano.. Gotta catch em all!
The three-gallon grow is still chugging along in the greenhouse.

The last round of pods on the Goats Weed have about 80-90%
dried on the plant, so cut them off to hang in the garage to finish:
The c. chacoense var. Exile is ripening up pods
right along. Just about all the pods have at least
A little color, and lots are getting red. Harvesting
in a week or so, maybe:
Canopy shot of Dragon 49s Bhut Jolokia x Pimenta de Neyde.
Sent to me as a seedling on May 7th. A very slow growing
specimen, but if I can keep it going over the winter, it will
be a tree come Summer!

The plant has great shape and growth habit.
Great to see how well you've done with Dragon49's extra BJ x PdN.  Looks like might need to raise the roof on your greenhouse though!  
Looking forward to seeing what it's like next season.
EDIT:  You snuck in that post on me Dragon.  That would be awesome if it's the Y7 cross.
The Chiltepin has finally started getting decent color.
Still some time to go before picking, but there should
be a good handful of pods.

Starting to get some leaf drop on the c. chacoense var. Exile.
Tells me picking time is getting close. Lots of nice,
red pods on the little tree:
CraftyFox said:
Those chiltepin look juicy! 
Haven't grown them for awhile, but I remember they
made a great powder blended with Goat's Weed and
c. chacoense pods.