• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PaulG 2019

No grow log for the 2018 season other than the Pimenta de Neyde x Bonda Ma Jacques
thread dedicated to Trippa's cross. That one is an ongoing community project going into
second year and a test of the F7 generation. I imagine I will mention it once-in-a-while in
this thread, but the details of its progress will be in the dedicated thread.
I am deciding on a grow list for the 2019 season after growing only Trippa's cross this
season (2018). I definitely have some old favorites that will comprise the great majority
of the grow. I have limited space, so I'm counting on nature to help me make the final
decision. I'll probably start lots of seeds since I'm gun-shy from the poor germination
rates the past couple of seasons.
Here's the pool. Would be nice to be able to grow a bunch of all of them!  I think my
neighbor will shelter the overflow in his yard, but we'll see what to plant and how many
based on what might germinate  :rofl:
c. chinese - 10 varieties
  • PdN x BMJ, F7, white and violet varieties, Trippa's cross
  • Fatali, F2 of seed from Pepper Joe's
  • 7 Pot Burgundy, brown phenotype, pecan shape from 2017 F2 of the 7PB from Windchicken 
  • Scotch Bonnet, MoA, F2 of seeds from John/Sim, not high production, but some nice pods
  • JA Red Habanero, F5 of seed from Walk Good/Devv
  • Yellow Scorpion, F7 aka Yellow Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and CARDI Scorpion, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Red, F4, from Spankycolts plant 2012
  • Bhut Jolokia, Chocolate, F3 of seed from Georgia Growhead
  • Bhut Jolokia, hybrid, F2 - I believe it is a  (BJred) x (Pdn x BMJ F1 or F2)
  • Yellow 7 Pot, F2 of seed from Trippa 2013
c. annuum - 4 varieties:
  • JA Red Mushroom, F3, brown phenotype, seed from Refining Fire
  • Pimenta de Padron - Spanish seed, fry up while small and green, throw on some salt
  • Pimenta del Piquillo - Spanish seed, sweet, very flavorful, small stuffers
  • Guindilla - Spanish seed, spicy heat, great pickled, long and skinny
c. frutescens - 2 varieties:
  • Nagahari from Tezpur, India, supposedly very, very hot freebie from Pepper Joe's 2017
  • Chili Costa Rica, F2 (2014) from Hippy Seed Company seed, 2012
c. pubescens - 1 variety:
  • Red Rocoto, F3 of Peruvian Market seed, 2016
That about does it. Seeding time will be here before we know it!
PaulG said:
Nice shot of the Chiltepin canopy.
Lots of good undergrowth and lateral
branching, as well.
Im lovin this, hopefully my Chiltepin canopy looks this sexy.
Some pix from the greenhouse.
Still moving things around.

But Jolokia, chocolate.

Short and wide plants take up a lot of space.

This Aji Amarillo was topped, and has become
a really nice plant. Will put it in a three-gallon
pot for a Fall greenhouse finish.

The Chiltepin has started flowering on
the garage workbench.

The roots on the Bhut Jolokia hybrid have
developed some fuzzy oxygen absorbing roots.
Really good stuff Paul.
I've had 3 plants fold leaves like that recently, 2 praetermissum and most recently my ayuyo.  A common element is that they did it when they were in the grow room position furthest the fans, sort of in a back corner of the room.  The praetermissum are better since being moved and are also getting different lighting.  The ayuyo started when it took over that spot.  That's about what I have at this point fwiw.
CaneDog said:
Really good stuff Paul.
I've had 3 plants fold leaves like that recently, 2 praetermissum and most recently my ayuyo.  A common element is that they did it when they were in the grow room position furthest the fans, sort of in a back corner of the room.  The praetermissum are better since being moved and are also getting different lighting.  The ayuyo started when it took over that spot.  That's about what I have at this point fwiw.
Thanks, CD. These plants were in the same
place as others which did not fold up like that.
Guess those leaves wont be on the plants
forever, anyway

Ghost Pepper Revolution said:
Mine do that too brother, hopefully we find out
So far there is only one theory lol.

karoo said:
Thank you Paul . Excellent glog, it really shows what can be done.
It's cooling down on my side of the planet , but I'm already inspired for next season.
Beautiful plants.
Yeah, I guess you are heading into Fall season, now.
I always feel that way when I see your pods busting
out all over in the middle of our winter!
Walchit said:
What happens when you over-feed a plant? Could that be the cause of the leaf issue? Idk but I definitely get plants that do that.
I have researched it casually on Google, and no
one shows this kind of leaf folding as a result of
over-fertilizing. Mostly yellow leaf drop is the main
effect they mention along with crinkly leaf edges.
I didn't even find an image that showed this folding
on Google.
Still wondering. Hope more folk chime in on this    :think:
CDNmatt said:
I have the odd plant that would do that as well, it didn't really seem like they looked too bad other then that little bit of curl. Really wondered myself what the cause was as well.......
Maybe mention it on your own thread and
see if anyone that visits there has an idea.
Or not   ;)
Maybe they crossed with a Begonia.  
I've read in a few places now that it's a root issue. Don't know if that's true, but it doesn't seem unreasonable.  I found this interesting:
https://myfolia.com/journals/103285-tomato-leaves-curling-under - see the first comment by hotwired
despite it being about a tomato because a few of the leaves are folding in the same odd manner and the comment references him having shown actual leaves to the Columbia Horticulture Department.
That he was told "It is usually brought on warm temperatures and too much moisture in the pot" might also be consistent with me experiencing it in my plants furthest from the fan and the better air circulation.
Anyway, more ideas to consider.
PaulG said:
Anybody have an idea what might cause these
weirdly twisted leaves? The leaves in all other
aspects are healthy, but just grow weird sort of
like a begonia leaf.

Here are a couple of pics.


I would appreciate any input on this.
I think it's nitrogen rich, just a little. I wouldn't worry about it. Limiting factor of growth is always the "least" of whatever, so it might be a tad short on one of the micro nutrients. But in this case one of the micros can't quite keep up with the prodigious quantity of N, so you get a lot of extra intra-vein growth that kind of makes leaves curl a bit. (magnesium def does the opposite, not enough growth between veins, so leaves cup up)