chinense Peach Reaper - People pounced the poor guy.

Just like with the chocolate reaper, a peach reaper reportedly popped up in someone's garden.  Might be recessive genes coming to the top the the gene pool.  Might be who ever saved the seeds did not isolate the things and they got cross poliniated.  Who knows.  What we do know is it looks like a Carolina Reaper and it came from what should have been a regular old red Carolina Reaper plant.  It happens.  I think the sideways and wonky pods are fun. 
So the guy brings it up in a Facebook forum and people pounce, demanding he can't call it a peach reaper and yada yada because Mr. Curry did not grow it out and yada yada.  Saw this with chocolate.  Oddly, I did not see this with things like the Yellow Primo.  In fact, lots of people here respect Pepper Lover.  Visiting her site, I see she is working hot and heavy to create more white peppers.  Maybe there will be a white primo soon.  And nobody is giving her crap at all.  Rightfully, people are praising her cause she has come up with some really cool peppers.

So why on earth would people be all up in arms about this guy calling it a peach reaper.  I mean hell, the guy is describing a reaper that grew peach pods.  What else would he use to talk about it, maybe Peach Ghost.  Oh wait, that name is taken.  How bout Peach Wearwolf or the Peach Mummy.  Figure Halloween is right around the corner, so gotta have some sort of monster in the proposed names. 

Seriously, what the hell.  Something just popped up in the guys garden and people pounced because he talked about.  What the bloody hell guys?  We should all be going... cool... wonder how that happened.

Well as far as the Chocolate Reaper you have to consider the source.  Not only did said source have a poor reputation but he also jacked up the price of the seeds while in F1 stage.  Sorry but I cant feel sorry for that said person, he made some nice change pawning his ahem "choc reaper" seeds at inflated prices.  I watched several reviewers try the said Choc Reaper and no one agreed that it tasted like a Reaper. 
So what if Ed Currie chimed in and stated it wasnt a Reaper, He bred the reaper and has seen every iteration of it over 8 generations.  You would think he would be able to spot the recessive traits of a newly formed chocolate reaper.  I can even imagine that Ed was already working on an Choc Reaper at the time, but he wasnt going to release it in early stages.
I too think these pepper wars are pointless, but I dont have a business doing it either. 
Just my thoughts and opinions, not trying to offend you or anyone.  Apologies if I have done so with my post. 
I just feel sorry for the guy.  Ya find something new, think it is cool, and wanna share / talk about it.  People go all ga ga.  I dont get it at all.  I think I am going to find the facebook page and bitch about Mountain Lightning (Walmart) and Mountain Mist (Krogers) cause they cant be real Mountains because Mountain Dew (Pepsi) didnt make it.
Hell yeah all peppers are someone's creation so live love and eat chilies!!! Leave those crybabies on Facebook were they belong not with true chili lovers!!!
Dr.Pepper said:
I haven't been on many of the chili forums and sites for the past few weeks because of something similar. Last year I decided to experiment with a few crosses and one of them worked great. I crossed a Reaper and a Bubblegum and this year I have a Reaper with a bleeding calyx. I posted a few pics here and I posted some on Facebook. It seemed like people were pissed about it. I even received threats of violence and death. I eventually took down all the pics and deleted the FB posts. I just decided, "f**k it." I'll never do that again.
Were you given shit here or just on facebook? Most of us here understand variation and crosses, I think. I wouldn't mind routing those dickheads that threatened you I just don't wanna join facebook though.  :P
In the case of that Peach Reaper, at least it actually looks like a Reaper!  lol   I watched the FBI review, not really a fan of his but watched it anyhow. 
midwestchilehead said:
Yeah, AJ, you should warn a guy when you link to an FBI review. Some of us wouldn't have bothered to click on the link.
I probably shouldn't ask, can o worms n all, but is there some reason other than entertainment preference that you and others feel that way?  I think of him as kind of a gonzo reporter; emerged and over the top for the sake of entertainment.
Dr. Pepper, I am sorry for your experience but kind of glad someone else has noticed how nutty it is.  In a different genre, I ran into the same thing.  I said something negative about a couple of authors I took great issue with.  Their fans pounced.  Had not thought about it previously.  The word 'fan' is short for the word fanatic.  There are nut cases in all walks / genres.
Very cool cross.  It looks like the smooth pod on the left is on the same plant.  Did the same plant produce different shapes?  I do believe that is the most gnarly (for lack of a better word) bubble gum / stem bleeder I have ever seen.

Hogleg, I dunno.  Some folk here got all grumpy when I asked if anyone knew of a white bubble gum / stem bleeder because one popped up in my garden.  I just figure weird stuff pops up all the time.  Yep, who ever gets the next hottest pepper in the world will probably make some money off the thing but the next cool color, shape, or flavor wont make anyone rich.  So not sure why anyone would make something like that up.
ajdrew said:
I probably shouldn't ask, can o worms n all, but is there some reason other than entertainment preference that you and others feel that way?  I think of him as kind of a gonzo reporter; emerged and over the top for the sake of entertainment.
Dr. Pepper, I am sorry for your experience but kind of glad someone else has noticed how nutty it is.  In a different genre, I ran into the same thing.  I said something negative about a couple of authors I took great issue with.  Their fans pounced.  Had not thought about it previously.  The word 'fan' is short for the word fanatic.  There are nut cases in all walks / genres.
Very cool cross.  It looks like the smooth pod on the left is on the same plant.  Did the same plant produce different shapes?  I do believe that is the most gnarly (for lack of a better word) bubble gum / stem bleeder I have ever seen.

Hogleg, I dunno.  Some folk here got all grumpy when I asked if anyone knew of a white bubble gum / stem bleeder because one popped up in my garden.  I just figure weird stuff pops up all the time.  Yep, who ever gets the next hottest pepper in the world will probably make some money off the thing but the next cool color, shape, or flavor wont make anyone rich.  So not sure why anyone would make something like that up.
Now wait, I remember that white BBG thread and I don't remember anyone giving you shit. I remember voicing my excitement for you even. 
hogleg said:
Now wait, I remember that white BBG thread and I don't remember anyone giving you shit. I remember voicing my excitement for you even.
Yeah!!!!!!! So
SteelHeat said:
I find amusing what people say about all the different colored Reapers popping up! Its not possible this and that.Instead of bashing someone or talking s#¥t first.I highly suggest you call or get in contact with Ed and ask him what he has brewing... Steelheat has!!!