pepper accidents

Recently we've had a few mishaps in and around the house with all the hot peppers. Someone is always getting it somehow or another. For example I've made paste and washed the pan (NOT) really good. Then proceed to make food and the rest of the people at home (kids/gf) can't eat it because its too hot. Another being people getting it in there eyes (the poor gf is dealing with that now) and not knowing where it came from. I've got some really bad stories because of this and I'm curious what's happened to you guys here on the thp. Doesn't matter if it happens to you or others. I'm sure there's some good stories out there.
Sounds horribly familiar. My wife is sick and tired of using knives to chop things and ending up with food to hot to eat. I`ve been very lucky about people getting heat in the eye so far. Only me, which is just super. I got Barrackpore powder in my eye in a restaurant in London and it was utterly miserable. My brother (who is a Chef) thought it was hilarious, as i`d taken the powder from the USA to England for him to try. 
I have managed to just affect myself with my hobby so far but it was a act that i wont forget for a long while if ever!!! I had just received my very first box of pods and i was so excited so i got right into de-seeding separating (Brainstrain with the coolest little spots of oil in it), reading the horror story on here about chili oil spreading everywhere i decided i should wear my fancy surgical gloves to save myself the pain. Everything was great i finished, moved the seed to a safe place to dry( without making a mess i might add :P ) took my gloves off  quite proud of myself for making it through not touching my eyes or face! Hell yeah I am thinking this is not to bad its not as bad as thought it was going to be and why is everyone so stuck on making sure of the safety? It just takes a little common sense who's gonna be a idiot and knowingly rub chili oil on them self!! Then i grab the cutting board i was using with the halved pods on it still to take it into the kitchen where i move the pods (with no gloves now thinking i have safely finished or not thinking not sure which lol) somewhere to out of the way to dry. Rinse my hands when nature calls, I go take care of business when i finish i begin to feel this slight tingle in the nether regions :( Thats odd i think...... whoa its getting hotter......  What the hell is going on?? AH Damn it!!!!!!! The burning continued for an hour (even after the shower and a good scrubbing) Thank god it finally quit!!!! Long story short i have made extra sure the gloves stay on till i am completely done and everything is moved and put away. i hope that i am not the only one to go through this and that maybe this will serve as a reminder to people the next time they get to handle some new fresh pods that the gloves are really a good idea and everyone can be dumb enough to rub chili oil on them self :) 
Hammerfall said:
cut a hot pepper no glove after go take a pee
Been there!
newhoppyguy said:
I have managed to just affect myself with my hobby so far but it was a act that i wont forget for a long while if ever!!! I had just received my very first box of pods and i was so excited so i got right into de-seeding separating (Brainstrain with the coolest little spots of oil in it), reading the horror story on here about chili oil spreading everywhere i decided i should wear my fancy surgical gloves to save myself the pain. Everything was great i finished, moved the seed to a safe place to dry( without making a mess i might add :P ) took my gloves off  quite proud of myself for making it through not touching my eyes or face! Hell yeah I am thinking this is not to bad its not as bad as thought it was going to be and why is everyone so stuck on making sure of the safety? It just takes a little common sense who's gonna be a idiot and knowingly rub chili oil on them self!! Then i grab the cutting board i was using with the halved pods on it still to take it into the kitchen where i move the pods (with no gloves now thinking i have safely finished or not thinking not sure which lol) somewhere to out of the way to dry. Rinse my hands when nature calls, I go take care of business when i finish i begin to feel this slight tingle in the nether regions :( Thats odd i think...... whoa its getting hotter......  What the hell is going on?? AH Damn it!!!!!!! The burning continued for an hour (even after the shower and a good scrubbing) Thank god it finally quit!!!! Long story short i have made extra sure the gloves stay on till i am completely done and everything is moved and put away. i hope that i am not the only one to go through this and that maybe this will serve as a reminder to people the next time they get to handle some new fresh pods that the gloves are really a good idea and everyone can be dumb enough to rub chili oil on them self :) 
You had me cracking up! I know exactly what that's like! I've gotten it there multiple times. I got the gf and ex wife before too. I made sure to wash my hands multiple times and its happens to both of them. Lol... Needless to say it didn't work out well for me those nights.
Nigel said:
Sounds horribly familiar. My wife is sick and tired of using knives to chop things and ending up with food to hot to eat. I`ve been very lucky about people getting heat in the eye so far. Only me, which is just super. I got Barrackpore powder in my eye in a restaurant in London and it was utterly miserable. My brother (who is a Chef) thought it was hilarious, as i`d taken the powder from the USA to England for him to try. 
I have a designated knife, plate and board. Looks like a blender after today too. Lol.. I can't get the reddish color off the plastic. Better safe than sorry.. Those things are a dime a dozen at garage sales.
First time I ever ate a super hot, I ate 2 ghosts. Never had more than a Habanero before. Freaked me out, but the worst bit was I got it in my eye. Badly. I truly thought I`d have to go to the emergency room, it was that painful and I was freaking out big time. My Wife gave me some eye makeup remover and I used that oily concoction to get a lot of it out of my eyes. It worked enough to stop me thinking about the emergency room, but I`ll never ever forget it. 
This isn't a mishap in the true superhot class, but one year we got a plant in the garden that we didn't remember planting; it was covered with mid-sized peppers, green and kind of lumpy.  My wife and I scratched our heads about it, decided it must have been the pepperoncini that we considered planting---we must have decided to do it, then forgotten about it---and gathered up a boatload of the green pods to take inside and pickle.
In the kitchen, she says, says she, "I've only ever had them pickled---what do you suppose they taste like fresh?"  "I dunno," say I, and she picks up a pod and takes a healthy bite out of it.
As it turns out, unripe orange habaneros look a lot like pepperoncinis.  They taste different though.  She said it was absolutely delicious for the split second before the heat kicked in and she ran for the nearest dairy product!
I have picked up the knife after taking the gloves off. :doh: First time in the eye I thought I was going to go blind or something. Done it many times since. As long i can keep my eye closed it goes away in a few minutes and the pain is bearable. Open the eye and it hurts extremely bad!
Gotten the wife a few times too, she was not happy at all, any of the times. Especially the intimate passings, and I'm not taking about my hands.
I have my own set of knives and cutting boards for peppers along with my own blender and a coffee grinder for powders.. I use the gloves religiously.. and will even re-glove if the first set gets too messy.. you get used to it.
GA Growhead said:
I have picked up the knife after taking the gloves off. :doh: First time in the eye I thought I was going to go blind or something. Done it many times since. As long i can keep my eye closed it goes away in a few minutes and the pain is bearable. Open the eye and it hurts extremely bad!
Gotten the wife a few times too, she was not happy at all, any of the times. Especially the intimate passings, and I'm not taking about my hands.
YIKES! Surprised you are still married!!!
I ate a Butch T for the first time tonight. Hot as hell, but I somehow managed to get it across my forehead and into my right eye. OMG, the pain, the pain. I literally washed my face with cooking oil twice, the used dish soap to get rid of the oil. The pain went from holy crap all the way down to oh my god. It took a good 20 minutes to get to the point where I could open my eye again. 
I do not recommend this sort of gross stupidity. Ever. 
One time unique kitchen incident.
In my first year of growing habaneros (15 years ago, wow) I had a nice large harvest and my only way to preserve was by freezing.   So, I diced my habs and put them into ziploc bags for storage.    I wanted to be "safe" and decided to rinse the cutting boards and colander in very hot, steamy water.     Standing over the sink was a bad idea.   I was hit by a plume of steam that contained a little pepper juice.  I inhaled it,  and for about 5 seconds I could feel some burning starting in my lungs.  I was afraid of what might happen next, having been through eye and bathroom accidents before.    When I exhaled the burning stopped, and I breathed a major sigh of relief. 
MisterBigglesworth said:
One time unique kitchen incident.
In my first year of growing habaneros (15 years ago, wow) I had a nice large harvest and my only way to preserve was by freezing.   So, I diced my habs and put them into ziploc bags for storage.    I wanted to be "safe" and decided to rinse the cutting boards and colander in very hot, steamy water.     Standing over the sink was a bad idea.   I was hit by a plume of steam that contained a little pepper juice.  I inhaled it,  and for about 5 seconds I could feel some burning starting in my lungs.  I was afraid of what might happen next, having been through eye and bathroom accidents before.    When I exhaled the burning stopped, and I breathed a major sigh of relief.
I've done that! I choke up every time I wash my chopping board! the steam really gets it into my lungs!
Deseeding Brains, put caps in coffee mug.  Next morning, used same coffee mug for . . . coffee.  Hot coffee got a new meaning.  I had to throw it out.  Not something I wanted first thing in the morning.
MisterBigglesworth said:
One time unique kitchen incident.
In my first year of growing habaneros (15 years ago, wow) I had a nice large harvest and my only way to preserve was by freezing.   So, I diced my habs and put them into ziploc bags for storage.    I wanted to be "safe" and decided to rinse the cutting boards and colander in very hot, steamy water.     Standing over the sink was a bad idea.   I was hit by a plume of steam that contained a little pepper juice.  I inhaled it,  and for about 5 seconds I could feel some burning starting in my lungs.  I was afraid of what might happen next, having been through eye and bathroom accidents before.    When I exhaled the burning stopped, and I breathed a major sigh of relief. 
That happened to me yesterday! That steam is a monster!

i really don't know how it happened but i got hit with it again today. I made puree yesterday and thought I'd gotten rid of all the oil. Apparently i was wrong. I'm still not sure where it came from (unless it was in my hair) but after my morning shower i noticed a tingle. It got worse and worse... My upper lip and the crease below them was on fire.. Not only my lip was hot, my ding ding was burning too! It progressed to a full on burn and lasted a while at work today. I'm gonna have to be more careful than i already am because these things are dangerous! Lol
Just today at lunch. I used a knife to slice up a Red Hab for my pizza. Later the wife wanted to cut one of her slices in half. I said, "it's contaminated!" She looked at me and proceeded to cut her slice of pizza with the knife. Two minutes later she is breathing heavy and fanning her mouth. "I told you it was contaminated," says I. 
Score: me = -1
Lesson: verbal warnings are not sufficient.
I made my first mistake when I was 5 years old my dad had planted some sweet wax peppers and a row of hot wax they both looked the same and I knew which was hot and which was sweet or so I thought I grabbed one that I knew was hot and gave it to my cousin and picked one that I thought was sweet but it back fired on me, as I had actually gave him the Sweet one and when I took a big bite of mine,  my mouth suddenly was on fire and I went bawling to the house, my dad and my cousin thought it was really funny as I had been playing that trick on other unsuspecting people. 
A few years ago I took a bite of a ripe rocoto pepper that was very juicy and got a big squirt in my eye, not even a ice cube pressed to my eye helped and even after flushing my eye with water several times my eye continued to burn like mad.
Not to long after I got my first super hot which was a ghost pepper I had planted some in a open garden at my aunts place, as she had some goats I had erected a fence around the garden and put up three electric wires to keep the goats from getting in. I had drove over to here place to water the garden and heard some terrible noise like someone was killing a goat as I ran to the garden I saw that one goat had gotten in and had decided to help herself to my peppers, the poor thing was now tangled up in the electric wire and it was kicking and thrashing around breaking down plants and making a terrible sound like it was being strangled, so I quickly turned off the fence and tried to get the damn goat out, I couldn't figure out why it kept bawling and rubbing its face and mouth in the ground, then I saw that it had eaten half a ghost pepper plant along with probably three or four peppers, after that you couldn't drag the goat into the garden. Who knows what went through thats goats mind when the heat exploded in its mouth and it jumped into the electric fence, but I can tell you what I would think if it had happen to me, well I would, but I can't use that kind of language here, but I'm sure you get the idea.
I had a nice one today. 
I was filming a review of a really large Yellow Bhut and managed to inhale a good portion. Spent the next hour coughing, crying, sweating and coughing some more until it finally came back out of my lungs. It felt like I was inhaling air from a hairdryer for the following half hour.
Really, really stupid thing to do.
Nigel said:
I had a nice one today. 
I was filming a review of a really large Yellow Bhut and managed to inhale a good portion. Spent the next hour coughing, crying, sweating and coughing some more until it finally came back out of my lungs. It felt like I was inhaling air from a hairdryer for the following half hour.
Really, really stupid thing to do.
Ouch! That's not cool at all! once i was eating food loaded with powder and coughed. When i did it lodged a piece of food up the back of my nose and wouldn't come out. Man it sucked.. I can only imagine getting a chunk of fresh pod getting in my lungs.
smileyguy697 said:
Ouch! That's not cool at all! once i was eating food loaded with powder and coughed. When i did it lodged a piece of food up the back of my nose and wouldn't come out. Man it sucked.. I can only imagine getting a chunk of fresh pod getting in my lungs.
It`s all in the review. It sucked a** in a big way....