Pepper budding

I know that this has probably been covered somewhere, I just can't find it...

A lot of my pepper plants are budding. Now keep in mind that they are all in 16oz plastic cups and are doing great. I started clipping the buds, but this has turned into a very time consuming chore. Sooo, my question is, is it necessary to cut off these buds or can I just let the plants flower?


Yesterday, while I was watering, talking to and fondling my plants, I noticed that some of them have some roots sticking out of the 1/4" drain hole of their cups. Should I be concerned? Or do you guys think that they will be okay in these cups until Memorial Day weekend?

Thanks for all of you great suggestions and for tolerating all of my "beginner" questions.
the way i look at it, if you clip them they don't put energy into them, and if your plant doesn't have the maturity / light / whathave you to produce flowers they will just fall off anyway,

and about the roots, they could be getting root bound, or they could just be searching for water. i thought i read somewhere that if you let your plants go a little dry between waterings it forces the plant to develop deeper roots. maybe not but i think i read that somewhere :).
rule of thumb for me....if the roots are coming out of the holes in the bottom of the cup you need to start thinking about transplanting into bigger container or outside within about 7-10 days....MHO
They'll be ok in the cups for a while still(When is memorial day?) but will need more frequent watering. As for the buds, most will likely drop on their own but if you get early pods its a good idea to remove them to give more energy to plant growth.
What size cups are they in now? Memorial Day is what? Eight weeks away? They could be pretty root bound by then. If they are root bound, they're going to put more energy in vegetative growth, which may be why you're seeing more blooms.
Thanks for the suggestions/replies. I'm going to have to do some rearranging if I'm going to pot up. So far the roots that I'm seeing are long filament type roots. But, I think that I may have to re-pot before Memorial Day Weekend. I am so glad that I have been keeping good notes on what I have been doing. Next year will be different, for starters, I won't be starting so early.
They'll be ok in the cups for a while still(When is memorial day?) but will need more frequent watering. As for the buds, most will likely drop on their own but if you get early pods its a good idea to remove them to give more energy to plant growth.

I really enjoyed your pictures...Are those scorpions really hot? They just look really dangerous...
The scorpions are deadly hot and beautiful(especially when ripening) but I prefer the nagas for flavor. My favorite hottie however is definitely the fatalii.
Hi Potawie,

When you write "Nagas" - are you referring to Naga Morich or, Dorset Nagas. Or, they are the same?
The Naga morich and the Dorset Naga are basically the same with only minimal differences. The dorset Naga is really just a selectively grown Naga morich.
Pam said:
He's the go to guy for pepper porn.

I am taking notes...Learning about pictures from Potawaie and Garden Journaling from AlabamaJack...LOL :P Seriously though, I think everyone here is what makes this site so special, we all have something to contribute.

WOW I almost sound like a kindergarten teacher...LOL