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Pepper Clap?

Found this on a Cayenne bush. All of the other fruit are perfect, and I have no idea what has caused this...

Tell ya the truth...she does have the reputation of being pretty hot..!

Any ideas what's caused the fungus, Nova?
Looks like blight but then again it could be a thousand things. I will have a google later mate as i am about to bottle some apa. :D

Phytophthora blight affects both seedlings and mature plants. Infected seedlings show typical damping-off symptoms. Infection of older plants usually begins at or below the soil line. Water-soaked, dark brown lesions on the lower stems (collar rot phase) usually extend upward for an inch or more above the soil line and may expand to girdle the stems, preventing upward movement of water and nutrients (Figure 1). This often results in a sudden wilting of foliage. Root infections may also occur which kill roots and cause wilting of the plant without the appearance of stem cankers. The foliar phase of this disease commonly occurs at forks in the branches, resulting in dark, girdling cankers and wilting of leaves and fruits. Infected leaves develop circular or irregular, dark green, water-soaked lesions which dry and appear light tan. Fruit lesions may also appear as enlarging, watersoaked areas, which then shrivel and darken. A mass of white fungal growth may develop inside the fruit, and seeds usually turn dark brown or black. A fine, grayish-white to tan mold may also become evident over the lesion on the fruit surface. Under humid conditions, fungal growth develops extensively over the entire fruit??????????

Linky http://search.mywebsearch.com/myweb...pePyMiBM6YTFOadKIvvRvpg8q8jd7e09CC3Qw==&ct=AR
That sounds plausible, but our conditions are not at all humid. Then again, we have had a lot of rain....

*scratches head*
Yeah after looking at that possibility for a while it doesn't seem to fit the bill. The affected fruit look as though they have white/grey mildew stuff on em.

I am still looking though i just bulk primed so i really should get back to it! :lol:
Nah...leaves on all the plants are a little paler than I would like, but nothing on this one which appears problematic.

No idea what to make of it...
Just a thought...could this have been caused by an infection caused by a bug making a small hole? What does it look like inside? Are there eggs? or just puss?