color Pepper Colors ie:Yellow Trinidad

Ive seen Trinidad Scorpion butch Ts and all but How do People come up with a Yellow variety or other colors, Like I know there is Red Bhuts then Brown and Some say theres a White? are this colors made by Crossing peppers, Finding them like that in there habitat or Somehow by Generically Modifying them
Very good question ORO! But yes, they are just crossed with another similar variety (usually) of they color they are trying to achieve!
Pretty cool then, they should try and mix all types of colors at once and get a super colorful pepper or just one pepper that is discolored lol
Pretty cool then, they should try and mix all types of colors at once and get a super colorful pepper or just one pepper that is discolored lol

Lol that wouldnt work very well! Good thought though! The strain would be unstable and you couldnt get all the characteristics of all those varieties into one pepper
They are usually named after the more popular parent to make them sound better. I prefer to name them after the 2 parents or give them a new name based on parents, origin, pod shape etc.. In my opinion bhuts are red, fatalli are yellow, scorpions and 7 pods are red etc. Anything else is a cross (or possible mutant) and should not be named after heritage/heirloom varieties which have been growing for hundreds of years. The internet is helping a lot to destroy chile taxonomy which has already been screwed from the beginning
What about the chocolate bhut? It doesn't seem at all like a cross to me. It looks and grows exactly like the red bhut with the same heat level, and is said to be a naturally occurring variant. I'm not sure I could tell the difference between the two plants until the pods start changing colors.
I Guess all the names and Pods looking like its parents gets everyone a bit confused but I There was only a Sticky Post containing all Pictures and Colors of all The Peppers in General, it will Help many Confirm there Doubts