Pepper comparison

ok, that's it eremite, you're not allowed to use four-letter words anymore because it might look like you're showing off, well, according to 'some' anyway
chilehunter said:
I get a kick out of seeing people using words that some fool madeup YEARSAGO to use instead of other words, but yet they mean the same thing. the way I see it some idiots made up those words just so they could feel smart Ex. tyro,piebald & many other words in the english language. shit you might as well be speaking kilingon (sp?) its a madeup language which very few speak, I'm sure you'll feel really smart using madeup words that replace the already exsisting words we have.

It's not bad that others know things you don't know.

You can find words that you don't know in a dictionary .

The anti-intellectual bent of your post is silly and ignorance of your native language is not a virtue.
to all, I do know the meaning of some of those words you use & yes I do use a dictionary for those others I dont know :mouthonfire: theres only been a couple so far I dont know what they mean. its just I dont see the point in using certain words, thats it therefore I dont use'em.

willard3 - "ignorance of your native language " my "native language" ? are you saying since I'm a united states citizen I should know all of the words in the english language ? do you know all the words & use all of them in the spanish language ? let alone do you know all the words in the english language ? since it is also your native language! thats if you're born here.

at least you know some english but for MILLIONS of mexicans that live here dont even bother to know ANY english but yet they're willing to leech off our govt. even the mexicans that are born here (NATIVE!!!!)some dont even bother to learn the english language - hey its their native tongue since they're born here. so dont look down upon me because I choose not to use words that only about 25% of the population uses but yet some mexicans dont even bother to learn simple english.
Hey Guys, I kind of fell into this site by accident and I think its neat. I really had no intention of starting anything but apparently I did. The site is about something we all like to talk about, even a beginner like me, peppers hot peppers. I think we would all enjoy it alot more if we stuck to peppers, I know I can come up with more questions and you guys are the way to get answers and I really apologize for anything I might have started.
eremite said:
I really had no intention of starting anything

:mouthonfire: What, I thought you started this balagan deliberately. :P

We tend to go off topic sometimes..o.k mostly, but as long as the question gets answered and discussed to some degree I'm glad we're able to exercise our opinions.

Glad you're sticking around :lol: others have cut & run.
Yeah! We like tangents! We feel neither acrimonious towards you, nor implacable towards the chile hunter.
We wish him well in his quest of language efficiency and hunting of chiles(it's not tlike they grow on trees!)

Oh yes and criticising illiterate Mexicans! No chile hunter, we can not get rid of all of the mexicans.(south park early episode reference no offense intended)