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Pepper Extraction, Revisited

Hi guys. I've not posted here in a while, but my life has been kinda crazy the past few years.

I have 8oz of dried bhut jolokia. And I'm going to make an extract. I'm a cannabis concentrate producer.

Butane is my solvent of choice, and I evaporate any residual solvent from the oleoresin with a vacuum chamber/pump. The extract is a solid that you can pick up with your hands and is glassy. I usually do columnized extractions, packing material in a tube and spraying butane through. I would imagine the fumes from a pepper extraction would be similar to pepper spray. However, I have a closed loop extractor from http://tamisiumextractors.com/

This is one option. I will likely choose the other safe one.

Alcohol extracts are usually very aggressive, dark in color, and contain many unwanted compounds. However, for safety reasons, many people prefer to use isopropyl for extractions. Dry ice will drop the temperature of ethanol to cryo temperatures, which will yield a very clean extract.

I think the latter will be the route I take.

Stay tuned
If you can get your hands on it and and recycle, pentane does a better job than butane IMO. You should literally get white/opaque casaicin crystals.
Forgive my question if it is naive, as I am not a scientist, but I have to ask:

Is it possible or practical to use alcohol that is fit for human consumption for the solvent?
If you can get your hands on it and and recycle, pentane does a better job than butane IMO. You should literally get white/opaque casaicin crystals.

Interesting - I'll look into this a bit. Perhaps a bit prohibitive, since I'm not planning to manufacture any commercial extracts, but I will give it some thought.

Forgive my question if it is naive, as I am not a scientist, but I have to ask:

Is it possible or practical to use alcohol that is fit for human consumption for the solvent?

Hydrocarbon solvents tend to net a more favorable extract, but I'm looking into the viability of using cryo-temperature ethanol as well.
Interesting, what exactly are you doing?

it sounds like you are making pepper ice meth but I'm really not sure why..

what do you use this stuff for?

breaking news.. sources say 865 people died today trying a new street drug known as brain strain crack
the typical warning signs are Spontaneous human combustion...