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Pepper flowers fragile?


Everytime i touch a flower it always falls off rather easily.

Fragile or somehow all my plants are lacking something?
It seems the entire country has a heat index/temps at or above 100! A lot of my flowers/buds are falling off to. 104 today and no sign of rain or a cool down in the near future. Doing the rain dance :dance:
I move mine to the shady side of the yard when it gets like this. Shade nets help. Mine have been getting around 4-5 hours of direct sun all day, and the rest of the day they are out of direct sunlight. It helps with the flower drop a ton.
Agree, mine get apprx 5-6 hrs of direct including the 0600h sun and it's been and is again hot here too. If your plants are near your house, keep in mind that the residual heat off the bricks works wonders once the sun is around the corner and no longer direct. Heat, not just sun !!
The high temperatures we are having can cause havoc on blossom set of all the nightshade family.

peppers belong to the nightshade family? or ... huh?

my california bells are getting brutalized this year by the sun, they are so stunted im thinking of removing them. i grew some home depot bells last year that went gangbusters in the heat, im so im bummed and puzzled. i m going to buy a 40% shade cloth for my annuls, anyone else try this?
When there's lots of sun and heat, the plants grow faster and need a faster supply of nitrogen (as well as plenty of water). They'll still drop blooms but not as many.