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pepper germination

im confused some say light some say keep it in dark till it sprouts(cup wrapped in paper towel).....I just want to start some new plants from seed and too many oppinions...what is the right approach
Most of the advice sites I find (and they are weighted toward an illegal plant!) say the seedlings need about 14-16 hours of light per day. I suspect there are as many suggestions on the best way to germinate seeds as there are positions in Kumra Sutra.
I'd be surprised if there was a scientifically proven 'best' way...

How I do mine:
- plant seeds in covered, unheated propagator box thingy, 2 seeds per punnet, with an old desk light providing a little bit of light, but mostly for heat.
- Once most of the seeds in a tray have sprouted, i move the tray under some old fluro lights i picked up for free when my uni was renovating
- When the plants have a few sets of leaves, i re-plant into plastic cups, 1 plant per cup, usually only keeping the best plants
- When the plants are too big for the cups, they go outside, into pots or the ground

Hmm, that covers more than germination... but oh well. I use a generic seed raising potting mix from the local hardware superstore. I'm lucky to have fairly mild winters, and the propagator box and light helps keep the humidity and heat up. I suppose if you're going to have them somewhere colder, you might need more heating.
Good idea Omri...

I agree w/Potawie why have light other than for heat if nothing is at the surface for photosynthesis?
bentalphanerd said:
Can I ask you, What are the tags for in that pic 1H, 2H etc.?
It's a problem I have, I just have to monitor EVERYTHING.
Those are S/N, I keep a computerized log. :lol:
The 'H' is for 'hot', so all chilies are under 'H'.
I have more than just chilies, so lots of different kinds of S/N.
Omri said:
It's a problem I have, I just have to monitor EVERYTHING.
Those are S/N, I keep a computerized log. :lol:
The 'H' is for 'hot', so all chilies are under 'H'.
I have more than just chilies, so lots of different kinds of S/N.

Damn...another nerd :lol:
I germinated in jiffy pellets, 2-3 seeds per pellet. mostly uncovered, all with bottom heat. watered daily with a spray bottle.

once sprouts appear they get moved to a growbox fitted with x2 18 watt fluoros. watered with spray bottle daily.

I started 18th October and so far have germinated 53 out of 60 using this method, many are 1cm with a few at about 4cm. most came up in 7-10 days. varieties are:

golden hab
naga morich
bhut jolokia
yellow fatalii
trinidad scorpion
seven pot
red savina
long choc hab (not sprouted yet)
Canuk, you absolutely do not need light to germinate seeds, but it is advisable to get them under light as soon as possible once they have sprouted otherwise they will get leggy very quick. I try to transplant the seedlings as soon as they sprout which is not always possible. If they get leggy just plant them deep when you transplant.
thepodpiper said:
... If they get leggy just plant them deep when you transplant.

yes do this as chile seedlings/plants will sprout roots on the stem if planted deeply. you can plant right up to just under the lower leaves.