Pepper Growing basics

Tina Brooks said:
Of course it's code, Chuck!

It's also a political party.

Has anyone shown you the secret handshake yet???


Tina is correct! We do have our own party..A Party by Chileheads..for Chileheads.
The CREATOR from Defcon Sauces is the Minister of Propaganda and Assimilation. If you are interested in becoming a member..see the political thread in the lounge..We have many leadership positions available...
no seriously twenty minuets after i order my seeds i got on here and started going through the post i guess my timing was just off.
no i did it with money order (my visa came in the mail the next day)but i'm not that broken up about it because i'm not sure how much the plants on are. is it 3.00 per plant or is that for like a pack of four any one know :)