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Pepper guts

I cracked open a pepper and was wondering about what I saw inside. 
There's these little black specks, I don't know what they are. There's this glossy residue... I don't know what it is either... Other than the seeds I guess I don't know much about whats in these things I eat. Can someone tell me what this stuff is?  Thanks. :)
This is EXACTLY why you should ALWAYS cut open your pods before eating.  I see guys do pod reviews all the time that just toss the whole thing back, I learned a long time ago from Beaglestorm that bugs LOVE the insides of peppers!
This has me wondering, is there any bugs that anyone knows of in particular that lay small eggs INSIDE peppers like that? They look to me like small seed nodes or whatever they are called also, but I am no expert by any means. I know pepper Weevil's force a single egg into peppers and/or stems but I was not aware of other insects that actually enter the pepper and deposit large amounts of eggs in that way. Would be fascinating to read about those insects.
Maybe I'm even less educated than I thought. I thought that white thing was a seed. 
Are you saying it is a seed that is further developed than the spots, or that it is something other than a seed?
Yes, I was going to ask that. What is wrong with eating bugs? People all over the world eat bugs as a big part of their diet. I`ve eaten a good number myself, yes, on purpose. Both cooked and raw, too. Some of them are delicious. Some are not. 

Tarantulas are arthropods, not insects, but they are extremely tasty. Very similar to crab.

Scorpions are pretty good, too.
BTW, I`m 99% sure they are undeveloped seeds, not eggs of any kind.
compmodder26 said:
I've seen and eaten many peppers that had those at the top.  Wasn't sure what it was when I ate it, but I'm alive and the peppers were still delicious.
What is this? I don't know, but it's tasty! haha I only laugh because I have done that a lot.
I agree with the undeveloped seeds. I see this all the time when pods mature early or have a parthenocarpic growth. Parthenocarpy is when a plant fruits without fertilization, and it is seedless. In peppers, for some reason, it usually presents with a smaller green fruit inside the main fruit.
*Edit - The small fruit inside is the parthenocopic fruit, doesn't always mean the main fruit will have no seeds, but I have seen both cases.
As Stated before, they are undeveloped and aborted seeds, the shiny stuff is simply the capsiacan Oil surrounding seed nodes. any pepper eating bug would leave a hole so you would already have a idea what was going on. There is one bug the pepper maggot that would lay a egg or two next to the stem int the resulting maggots would eat their way into the pepper pod. they are nasty little things that would eat your eggplants and tomatoes from the inside out. Grasshoppers and some caterpillars would just eat a hole and or do leaf damage.