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Pepper help needed...

We have tiny bugs attacking our hot pepper plants this year. We have tried sevendust but it hasn't stopped them this year.

Does anyone know what these are and how we should treat it?



You have aphids and whiteflies my friend, and what looks like some sort of bacteria. Aphids and whiteflies can be taken care of with Safer soap or a neem oil solution. The bacteria I think must be identified first before it can be properly taken care of.
The tiny bugs are Aphids, but the leaf damage looks to be caused by thrips not whiteflies.

Look on the leaves for tiny, elongated white bugs, they will move when disturbed and kind of move like a centipede (they can bend).
Agreed about the aphids for sure, don't know about the leaf damage. Milkworkman mentioned neem and safer soap but forgot to mention Diatomaceous Earth a dusting will cause those aphids to melt like the wicked witch of the west. I always remember that because of an old member here, Fire Angel!
Novacastrian said:
Agreed about the aphids for sure, don't know about the leaf damage. Milkworkman mentioned neem and safer soap but forgot to mention Diatomaceous Earth a dusting will cause those aphids to melt like the wicked witch of the west. I always remember that because of an old member here, Fire Angel!

Yeah, good call on the DE. I always forget that. A light dusting on the soil will prevent new outbreaks.