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Pepper ID app survey

HI Everyone, 
I just recently graduated from university with BFA in digital design and is now rebuilding my portfolio. A little story why I am doing this: 
When I first started planting unknown hot peppers in my backyard and my father bragged that he can eat any spicy food. I saw this would be an good opportunity to try out fresh pepper for the dinner. Little did I know that it's much stronger than the one I bought from the store.
He didn't expect his tongue to be on fire and tried to drink water. Big mistake! It didn't work. Turned out that yogurt works very well and takes away most of the heat away fast but not fastest. Afterward, I have developed love and respect for spicy food and pepper. 
I decided to make an app so I know which and what kind of pepper I am planting and help those people who have unfortunate experience of eating pepper that are above their heat tolerance. I appreciate very much if you take survey for me.  The link below will take you to the survey I created. I look forward to your feedback. If I get enough support, I might make hot pepper a reality 
Have a nice evening,
Thank you!
I am excited that people taking the survey. It helped a lot and the result gave me an unexpected result which is good. This means I can simplify alot of things and get down to what people in this hot pepper community really NEED. I am listening and that is the key of building the app. This is what I do. Again, thank you for taking feedback! The survey will remain open as I continue researching and develop an app.
Just answered your survey. ill leave a few ideas/ point here for you though.
I think a pepper ID app will be difficult considering the amount of variation that is possible & the number of varieties available.
I think you should focus on a general pepper growing app, not pepper ID app.
Include info on where to buy good quality seeds.(pepperlovers, semillas etc) No point in trying to ID mutant cross seeds from bad vendors/ebay etc. It all starts with good seeds.
Include info on traits of different species. e.g. annums have one bud per node, white flowers etc etc. Chinense can have multiple buds per node etc.
Include info on germinating (temps and different ways you can do it), e.g. heat mat, hot water cupboard, ontop of modem for heat source, in paper towels etc.
Include info on seed starting mix/mediums, pellets, coco etc.
Include info on reasonable choices of potting mixes. Maybe even a few recipies to make your own.
Include some general info on ferts. What the numbers mean. Suggestions on good ferts to use, when to use ferts. Perhaps suggestions about using different ferts at different stages in the plants life cycle. 
Include provisions so you can note down what ferts you have used, when you used them, what quantities, and maybe even something where you can note down any good/bad changes that you can see that resulted from using the fert.
Include some info on harvesting / saving your own seeds.
Lasty, make it for both apple & android.
good luck