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Pepper ID from grocery store

They called it a generic "Yellow, hot" in the store, and the self check-out machine called it a serrano. It doesn't look like one to me, but I'm not exactly a pepper expert. They're hotter than a jalapeno, or at least this store's jalapenos aren't as hot as this stores version of whatever these are. I saved some seeds, and think I'll try growing a few next year to see what comes up.

Left side of this picture.


As an aside, this is what they looked like after cooked. My presentation could use some work, but they definitely rank in the top 3 best foods I've ever created.
Just cheese + bacon + ground beef.
Hmm, definitely looks like it after a google search, thanks. Google tells me the scoville rating is < 1000 though. Do they have a fair amount of variability, or do my store's jalapenos just really, really suck?

These peppers are definitely hotter than the jalapenos I picked up right beside them.
I've had some Santa Fe's that were fairly stout...and some Jals that were pretty weak. You probably scored some of each! Those are absolutely Santa Fe's, unfortunately you'll have to be extremely lucky to get them to germinate. They ripen yellow, orange then red. Seeds would be more likely to be viable once red. You may get a few to pop though!
I bought a few more from the store, and this batch had 2 peppers with seeds that were darkening. Is this a sign of rot or disease starting, or should the seeds from these things actually be a dark brown at any point in their lives? It seemed the placenta was darkening too. I didn't think to take pictures.