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Pepper ID help..

Hey all.
I got a couple of peppers that i have no idea what they are. Im still real new to all this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

first up is one of a few i got from my parents. All the same so there is only one picture.
It was good tasting. Not very hot. But you could still tell there was heat there.
gotta make sure i keep some seeds from these and try (key word is try) to get myself some little trees.


Next we have one i got from my mother in-law (get this she gets a plant, waters it.. and it gives peppers like mad.. not a very big plant, never put it in a bigger pot.. and i cant get one off of 2 plants. lol) anyways.. moving on. lol


i dug into this before i thought about pictures. and pulled the seeds..
She said something about it being a congo pepper.. It was certainly hotter then the first one. But damn was it tasty. Put some in a curry i made for dinner, and just had to slice some up and put it on the side.

anyways any kind of help is greatly appreciated.
not sure what the orange one is but the other looks much like aji omni-colr and you said the plant was not very big
so its a good chance that that is what it is

if its very floral and fuity flavored thats also a good chance that it will be aji omni-color

thanks your friend Joe