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pepper id

hello, need some help, love hot peppers and sauce, guy at work was growing these red habanero peppers, and id like to know what kind they are if possable, he said he threw out the tag and doesnt know, they are so hot that when i first ate one i thought it was like a jalapeno and ate the whole thing, i cried and my mouth was on exstreme fire for 15 min. any way he gave me the plants he said it was getting to cold out. they still have flowers and a few peppers, i have them in my sun room hoping i can get a few more peppers. im trying to post pics on here of the ripe peppers and the plants but im still knew to the forum so ill do my best, thanks for any help. acually i need help on posting pic it says cant load that image adress
Cant help you with loading pics, but I think your suppose to load it through a flikker account, I still cant get it! When you get the picture up Id love to help if I can!

xo nicole
:welcome: pic will help
ok first pic sorry if quality sucks
ill post one of plants next
hmm, those look tiny, but the growth can be stunted if theyre restricted in pots, I have some solar flares that have a similar shape to that, and they are smaller than regular habs
sorry about the crappy pics its all i can manage, they have little whit flowers on them, its been in the 40s and 50's at night so i have them in pots, i have them under floresent lights during the day plus sun is on them through window, im trying to get more peppers out of them, any advice i would appreciate, they really are the hottest peppers i have had, then again i have not tried that many. i wish i knew what kind they are, the guy that gave them to me said he bought them at a local agway, long island new york, there was a pic of a guy with his tongue on fire or flames shooting out of mouth LOL. i dont know
could be caribbean reds
well, thanks for everyones help, i guess its hard to id a pepper since theres so many varieties, i figured it was worth a shot..any way im starting to get into this pepper growing and habanero's, ill prob. order some seeds this winter and start them that way i know what im growing LOL, i hope these plants produce a few more before they die off. thanks again for all the help