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pepper id?

I was at the local nursery and seen these ornamental peppers and was wondering on the kind and how edible they are? my sis wanted to buy them for ornamental purpose but i was wondering on if they are good to eat?

I've bought similar peppers at my local nursery. All of them are ok to eat. The top left looks like a Medusa pepper, which doesn't have any heat at all. The top right looks a little like Explosive Ember. The pods should start purple ant turn red, and are about as hot as a weak jalapeno. The bottom plant looks like a pale cousin of the black pearl. The black pearl has the similarly shaped leaves and pods, but the leaves are black or very dark green and the pods start black and turn very dark red. The black pearl pods that I've eaten were relatively mild.
when tasting ornamentals, it has been my experience that they taste like "dirt"...a more pleasant way is to say they are very earthy I suppose...most of the ornamentals I have seen/grown are annuums, therefore not very hot comparatively...
Ya, most are OK for adding some heat but they are lacking in flavor. I wouldn't call them earthy, more bitter and low on flavor. I personally describe pequins/tepins etc. to be earthy but in a good way
There are always some ornamentals that surprisingly do have a good flavor, but generally they are bred for looks, not taste.
Be careful about eating them for a while.
The guy at the nursery told me if they are sold as ornamentals they can be treated with systemics where peppers for eating aren't or haven't been treated in the prescribed time period for being ok to eat.

A lot of the plants they sell as ornamentals are hybrids and the seeds grow different plants.

If the second one is Explosive Ember maybe the first one is explosive ignite...


and the other Explosive Blast


Maybe you got the whole set.