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Pepper ID

I have this funny looking pepper plant that i just love the looks of but i have no idea what it actually is tho. The seeds where bought on ebay tho and it was supposed to be black pearl but then again, ebay seeds are just for the lols and the mystery^^
Anyone have an idea?
The pods arent ripe and they seems to start out this dark dark purple color and have this funny shape that alsont reminds of a horsehead or dragon head if your imagination is on top and you tilt your head just riiiiight..... right
I grew something similar last year and posted it. I got the seeds from Aji Joe. It was a Fish Pepper cross, with, hmm too early in the morning, but I think Hot Ecuador, I will have to look it up again. Anyways the leaves had excellent variegation of purple and white like yours. Be curious to see what kind of pods you get if you leave them on longer. Mine went from black to orange to red. Some stayed with all three colors and a little green. They were quite beautiful and very edible. 
My first thought was that it looks like Purple Flash with that variegation, but the leaves look a bit more like a chinense than annuum also purple flash pods are round and grow upright
Thanks so much for the replies  :P
Looks alot like the Pictures on the chiliman but i did read somewhere at the pods are supposed to start out green? then got purple then red. Mine never started out green? but gonna wait and see how it evolve :dance: