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Pepper Identification

While in Tucson today I stopped by an import supermarket and found these peppers. They were labeled Indian Chilies, so I asked and I was told they were from India but didn't know the exact variety. I picked up one pack to try, they do have a good taste and a fair amount of heat. I wish I could narrow down the type but so far no luck. The average length is seven inches. Any ideas?


Sorry for the bad cell phone photo.
Looks like pusa jwala aka finger hot.

The ones I got at Kroger tasted like grass with no discernible heat.

Edit: They do look too smooth and long to be normal Pusa Jwala. Hmm...
Pusa Jwala are said to have a slight applish flavour (according to Hippy). Do these have an appleish flavour?
I grew these out last year. Friend of a friend sold me a plant for 5$ claiming it was some Indian variety... They have very little heat. The whole thing just reminds me of chives for some strange reason. Sent pics to Neil (THSC) he had no idea what these bastards are... Hope you figure out what they are, because I still haven't the faintest clue.
I don't know If I would call it an applish but it does have a fruit flavor. I would compare the heat about the same as the a Thai Hot. After reading the description these seem a little long to be Pusa Jwala. Here are some better pictures. Thanks



They do seem a little long and smooth to be Pusa Jwala. Maybe some kind of commercial hybrid rather than an heirloom or OP variety. I googled a bunch of Indian peppers and can't really find anything that matches. Isn't Naganumbness from India? Maybe he would know...
There is no photo but the description sounds similar

I went through 13 pages chile peppers from India on thechileman.org and this is all I could come up with:



Looks like the fruits are about 6 in. long and shape and smoothness of the skin seem to match. This is a tough one...