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Pepper IDs

the chocolate 2 in the middle, Labeled as Aji Jobito from whitehotpeppers.com. not sure if its a jobito cross or what but finished chocolate in color. Much hotter than a normal orange jobito...

these ones are labeled as yellow jalapeno from whitehotpeppers.com, not sure if its a different pheno or a cross. Taste/heat similar to a jalapeno, but much longer.


Let me know what you guys think, thanks!
Nice looking peppers!
Not sure about the Aji Jobito, though.  Gotta be a cross, it's too far off from the look of the Jobito.  What's the flavor and heat level like?  Maybe search through whitehotpeppers catalog for chocolate peppers that might have crossed with the Jobito last year.
But, whatever it is, I would save seeds and grow it out next year, could turn into something nice!