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Pepper Joe's At it Again

Fire Angel said:
Is that like the "dutch rudder" ? :shocked:
HAHAHAHAHA! That's a new one. I had to look taht up. But, no, it's not the dutch rudder. What I was stating that it sounds like he's jerking us around, aka, bullshitiin. :lol:
imaguitargod said:
HAHAHAHAHA! That's a new one. I had to look taht up. But, no, it's not the dutch rudder. What I was stating that it sounds like he's jerking us around, aka, bullshitiin. :lol:

LOL, i had to look that up too! Sounds ummm well interesting.
I looked at Pepper Joe's offerings last year and though very, very new at growing hot peppers from seeds, he struck me as a charlatan whose seeds were overhyped and overpriced. Not as bad as Reamers (sic) but not someone I want to give my money to.

allXbutXgone said:
hey AJ, did the seeds you got from pepper joe seem to take their time to germ?

I got a few packs from him this year like Charleston Hot, Tabasco and some tomatoes. All germinated within a couple of weeks and are growing quite nicely so far. We'll see if they grow true.
Even though they are expensive I just had to see what the seeds grow into.
I have the Bhut seeds and Giant bhuts sprouted now.
I think Chris will be right about the ones sold as Bhut will be Dorset Naga and the ones sold as Giant Bhut will be regular Bhut Jolokias.
Would be nice if they turned out being some new strain but I'm not holding my breath.

When I first started growing Hot Peppers I couldn't decide what to grow so I decided to grow them all...

No such thing as too many pepper plants.

allXbutXgone said:
hey AJ, did the seeds you got from pepper joe seem to take their time to germ?

I didn't order any from pepperjoe this year but last years seeds did OK...about a 70% germination rate overall...was at about 50% in 14 days...his prices are just too high for me to pay when I can get good seeds elsewhere cheaper...
i'm at about 11 days and ive had 2 of the golden nugget seeds sprout, i just got a pack of the bhut jolokia seeds for a birthday present so i figure i'll plant them all and see what happens.
allXbutXgone said:
well the good news is some pumpkin habanero and big jim peppers are starting to peak out

I can tell you this: I grow real Pumpkin Habaneros and PepperJoe's isn't it. He describes it as a "smaller plant that is easier to grow and harvest"...LOL:shocked:
Pepper-Guru said:
I can tell you this: I grow real Pumpkin Habaneros and PepperJoe's isn't it. He describes it as a "smaller plant that is easier to grow and harvest"...LOL:shocked:

I actually have his pumpkin hab seeds but somebody here on THP grew them last year and they ended up looking like Peach Habs or something like that.
What a shock. lol. I wonder if the tomatoes are even tomatoes. :)

Diabolus said:
I actually have his pumpkin hab seeds but somebody here on THP grew them last year and they ended up looking like Peach Habs or something like that.
Diabolus said:
I actually have his pumpkin hab seeds but somebody here on THP grew them last year and they ended up looking like Peach Habs or something like that.

cmpman1974 said:
What a shock. lol. I wonder if the tomatoes are even tomatoes. :)

Well, the Hoyt Saxton Red Pumpkins are the only ones that I have ever seen let alone grown, so I can tell you, they are the biggest, thickest fleshed, best tasting, most "pumpkinish" looking chinense there is. Deep red color, accompanied by one of the best palette and heat of any pepper out there. I baby these and do my best to keep them pure. I was given the genetics by Hoyt himself. He is a long time pepper guru out of south Atlanta and a close friend. He has been in this game since before anyone even heard of "being a chili head". These plants grow like monsters, they continuously pump out main stalks that appear at first to go straight up with plenty of side branching, BUT then fall down and completely dominate any other plant around it, sort of like a "pepper vine" if you will. Dozens of pods can safely lay on the ground, due to the mere weight, and no critter will even attempt to compromise them. They are the real deal.

Here are some at three years aging for sauce, and even through my novice camera ability you can see the signature pod shape and formation.
Dutch Rudder???

I must add that to thechileman.org database - NOT!!!

I once bought some Yellow Jellybean (aka cumari) from Pepperjoe. Lovely plant, good seeds & im sure he is a nice guy but im with Chris on inventing names.

PS Chris - do you remember the hassle I got 3 or so years ago (on garden web forun) when Guy & I introduced the Naga Morich to the wider growing communnity. The amount of crap we took on that was unbelievable!

PPS I hope you are well me friend & you secret other 'Naga' varieties are secret safe with me
