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Pepper Love from Datil Patch

Tomorrow I'll go for a whole pepper. I shared the one I cut up and it was more orange than red so prob not as hot as the blood reds ones I have.
Started off sweet then felt Like pain in the middle of my neck throat spine then the tounge cought on fire then after about 10 min of pain endorphins kicked in and mouth was numb and couldn't talk well. Lol it made our aircraft mechanic burst into a hiccup fit.
Yes sir I plan on making a chicken omelete with red onions spinish red yellow bell peppers and a ghost for breakfast tomorrow.
I found Goat Cheese to be the best super hot pepper pain reliever. First put some in your mouth and swallow a little to get the back of the throat. Then take a little more and try to get it to touch all parts of the mouth and throat. Try and hold it in place.
I was actually thinking of making some chicken using goat and feta cheese mixed with cilantro and bhut and then. stuff some breast.
I think it also depends alot on the nutes. The big Bhut hasn't been getting fertigated, and I potted it up from a 3gal to a 7gal pot after it started podding, that may have caused some type of stunting. The new pods are definatly going to be bigger than the last.
I took one of the super wrinklie datils today cooked with it yum. Also saved it's seeds I'm going to put them in dirt tomorrow. See if the pop out has hybrids as you think they me be.
Those Bhuts won't be hybrids. They bloomed before any other plant was even thinking about blooming. They are on the other side of the house from all the hydro plants. The Datils that I sent were in hydro. All the Hydro plants are clustered, as they are still what I call experimental. The Datils (in hydro) started blooming after the hydro Bhut (not the same plant as the pods I sent you ) and the hydro Fatalii, and the hydro 7PBS...

Those Bhuts will be fine.