Pepper plants benefit from basil?

I've heard that basil somewhat is good to grow along with hot peppers.
Next year i should have a stripe of 2*18-20m ground to grow peppers. 
I was thinking to make 2 rows of peppers with basil in the middle (like a faced centered square order):

Red are peppers and green basil. Distance from 2 near peppers should be 1,5-2m.
Also i won't plant more than 20, maybe 22 (if i plan to keep 2 on vase to try a cross) peppers for ightbox issues after first repot so i can't use extra space for more peppers.
I'm going to plant some basil anyway and for sure i know how to use it well, just i wouldn't plant that much otherwise, so it isn't an issue.
Benefits are sort of an urban legend or there are some? Like luring good bugs...
I've even read that there could be some benefits even while germinating seeds (not that i'll take advantage of that, if true, since i'll germinate basil later than superhots or i'll buy directly some plants).
At least there shouldn't be issues to grow them together, right?
Probably i'll grow classic genovese or napoletano that should be the best for my climate (also, pesto and pizza!
Is that a good idea?
Essegi said:
Benefits are sort of an urban legend or there are some? Like luring good bugs...
I've even read that there could be some benefits even while germinating seeds (not that i'll take advantage of that, if true, since i'll germinate basil later than superhots or i'll buy directly some plants).
Have a read of this:
I've always grown basil with my chillies. Not sure about the supposed benefits, that I've noticed, but there definitely aren't any negative effects!
Thanks, yeah, i've read that, jusk asking if someone has seen benefits in real life. :D
Btw not negative effect could be enough to grow them, i'd use better that space.
For sure a friend of mine has very good plants even in small pots and has planted along basil.
I don't know if there's any contributing factors, but I have my basil right next to my tabasco plant, and my tabasco is my heaviest producer. Tabasco is a pretty prolific plant as it is, so there may be zero connection (most likely there's not), but they certainly aren't bothering each other. I'm also on my third havest of sweet basil from this pot this season
There is no benefit per se health wise, it's just that basil and several other plants help to repel harmful insects or attract them to that plant instead of the peppers.
Thanks guys.
That year i saw some ladybugs where i've grown peppers and basil shouldn't hurt that.
Since it won't hurt and i must grow it anyway i think i'll adopt the layout on first post.
nuclearDays said:
Have a read of this:
I've always grown basil with my chillies. Not sure about the supposed benefits, that I've noticed, but there definitely aren't any negative effects!
Crap, how did I miss this before?
Incredibly interesting. From the experiment, it appears as if they only separated the foliage? It seems odd they did not mention the possibility that the plants are communicating through their roots. I know that some trees can link up through mycorrhizal networks to share nutrients, even with other tree species, and many types of plants warn each other of disease or predation in a similar fashion.