Pepper plants growing too large? And Pods falling off?

That leaffooted bug is EXACTLY what I have seen!  I see the big ones that are greyish. They evnetually see the smaller red looking ones that look like large ants and they are always in groups. They are the ones that are leaving the brown dots. They really wrecked my tomatoes and habaneros last year.
Ive tried several insecticides. Havent seen too many this year though since I've been spraying. I have not seen any on the pepper plants.Anything in particular you guys use that works well that I can pick up at Lowes or HD etc????
The pods though seem to fall off when they are green with no brown on them. They are turning that rotten look sitting in my kitchen. I'll cut open the next one that has a brown and check inside. I never knew about the maggot thing. Normally I cut off that part and freeze.
Any other recommendations you guys have for what I can do with the green pods? Should I dehydrate them while they are green? Cut in half and freeze? Everytime I freeze I get ice all over them.
caritobito said:
That leaffooted bug is EXACTLY what I have seen!  I see the big ones that are greyish. They evnetually see the smaller red looking ones that look like large ants and they are always in groups. They are the ones that are leaving the brown dots. They really wrecked my tomatoes and habaneros last year.
Ive tried several insecticides. Havent seen too many this year though since I've been spraying. I have not seen any on the pepper plants.Anything in particular you guys use that works well that I can pick up at Lowes or HD etc????
The pods though seem to fall off when they are green with no brown on them. They are turning that rotten look sitting in my kitchen. I'll cut open the next one that has a brown and check inside. I never knew about the maggot thing. Normally I cut off that part and freeze.
Any other recommendations you guys have for what I can do with the green pods? Should I dehydrate them while they are green? Cut in half and freeze? Everytime I freeze I get ice all over them.
use a vacuum sealer so they won't ice up.  
If you don't have a vacuum sealer close a ziploc bag until there is just enough space to stick a straw through.  Then stick a straw through.  Suck out the air and snap it closed as you pull out the straw.  A vacuum sealer would be much better, but that will do in a pinch.
I've been growing Aji Amarillo over the last few years, from seeds harvested from Peruvian grown pods. My personal observation is that they seem hypersensitive to nitrogen, or "good fertile soil" which causes them to grow into huge plants with big leaves, but contain a relatively small number of pods relative to the size of the plant. I recently grew one in a large container of non-ammended sandy top soil and it podded up like crazy! without getting more that 3 feet tall. The branches are breaking from the weight of the pods though. I'm guessing sandy loam/top soil with low "fertility" but ample trace elements might be better for these particular peppers....just a guess from my experience though, nothing more.
Thanks everyone. That might make senses Indiana. My peppers also come from pods grown in Peru as my wife is from there. Where they are planted now is in a raised bed I use for my garden which has had over time, cut grass, manure etc added and tilled in. I grew some okra in there once and it was right at 9 feet tall. Not sure if thats normal, but seemed odd.
Aside from just letting them do their thing, Is there anything I can if the ground is high in Nitrogen in that location? Would supplementing with something that has the other two elements phosphorous, and potassium and no Nitrogen in it help you think? I have about 15 more plants in pots started but they are only about 2 inches tall right now lol.