storage Pepper Pod Freezer Storage

Hi again.  So, I am getting ready to hopefully start harvesting a few of this years peppers.  As I still have powder remaining from last year, I have decided to half and dessed pods then freeze for future use in cooking.  So I went to the store and bought a selection of zip-lock type bags.  Mainly the question is what type of bags are best for my needs.  Most are solid bags, and one box I bought were 'Freezer Bags For Produce'.  These bags have holes in them, perforated I guess you could say.  Which bags would be best to use for my peppers, the solid, or perforated?  If you have any experience, I would appreciate hearing from you.  Thanks.
That would be nice, but I do not have one, nor will I have many pods.  But thanks for the tips.  I will look online at prices though anyways.
obchili said:
That would be nice, but I do not have one, nor will I have many pods.  But thanks for the tips.  I will look online at prices though anyways.
Poor mans vacuum sealer... Fill sink with water and stuff peppers into quality zip lock bag.  Zip it up almost all the way and hold under the water to get all / most of the air out then zip it up under water and your done.  Deeper the water the better it works.
Thanks for the tip. I have done this in the past with fish fillets, but it totally escaped me until you reminded me of it. Thanks.
Another poor man's option is to zip up the ziplock just until only a straw will fit in.  Push a clean straw down to the bottom and then suck all the air out that you can.  Once you can suck no more out, quickly pull the straw out and zip the rest of the bag up before any air can get back in.