Pepper print clothing

A while ago I saw some chefs clothing in a chilli pepper pattern.
Now I can't find it anywhere! There were trousers,jackets,T shirts, hats and all sorts.
Surely the demand must still be there for this sort of thing.
Can anyone help?
I am in the UK but would be happy to find ANY supplier who might send it to me.
Hi Lawrence,

Here's a link to a pepper print apron,

apron link

And here are some pepper print pants,


You might be able to purchase all of the apparel you're looking for through AmazonUK....Amazon is where i found the pepper print pants link;)

There used to be a member here with the username ireneaprons and she used to sew and sell pepper print aprons...


Even found some men's sleep wear with chile peppers on em...

pepper pj's

Wildfire, there doesn't seem to be a lot of pepper print clothing for women available at first glance...

...maybe there's a business opportunity just waitin' for some pepper print hoodies, sweats, jumpers and sun dresses to spring out onto the market... ;)

How are you at sewing or maybe you can find a taylor? I found links to pepper cloth for sale:

Just a couple I found but if you google for "Pepper Pint Cloth" I got a lot of hits, especially on Ebay.

Cheers, :beer:
RM :cool:
How are you at sewing or maybe you can find a taylor? I found links to pepper cloth for sale:

Just a couple I found but if you google for "Pepper Pint Cloth" I got a lot of hits, especially on Ebay.

Cheers, :beer:
RM :cool:

Terrible!!! I have been trying to talk my mum into doing it for years but she isnt confident. The other thing is most materials have no stretch so bit hard for a dress, have got her to make me tablecloths for my chilli stand though.
Cheers for your help.