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Pepper Problems


Found aphids under my Serrano leaves, mild soapy solution has taken care of that. This has been getting increasingly worse as last week drew on. Any help?
Leaves are dropping at an alarming rate and so are new and old peppers on the plant.


These spots have appeared on many of my jalapenos.



These have fallen off the plant.

JMO but that doesn't look like any aphid damage I have experienced, especially pod drop....
I agree with AJ, I've had blackfly, greenfly, and whitefly but they haven't caused this type of damage. Could it be bacterial leaf spot or blight? Sorry I really don't know.
Those pics of the transparent damage looks eaten away not like bacterial wilt spot than looks burnt. I'd still eat that larger jalapeno. I walk around my plants and everyday find a pod that just fell off and is perfectly edible.
Those pics are not of the serrano. It is looking very healthy aside from the little guys I found under the leaves. The pictures are of the jalepenos. Could it be from over watering maybe? All the pods that are currently on the plant or have fallen have black spots on them, except that large one. I just bit into it and it tasted very watery and almost no heat. Very different from the others I have sampled from the same plant. I have a couple little ones, about two months old that Are very separated from the rest, so even if I lose those big ones I will still have some pods later in the year/summer. Thanks for the help guys, just wanting to figure it out.
That looks pretty serious to me. I'd consult a pro for help if I was you. Take some leaves and pods (and pics if possible) to a nursery nearby and ask them what the problem might be!
Safer Soap...buy it at your local nursery...
Well, after a bit more examination, I found this.


There are spots like this all over the plant. Soft and dead all the way through.



So, I cut off all that I could and wound up with this.


Lets hope that it works.

This is what it looked like before I found those spots.


