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Pepper Question

Hi everyone,

Hope i am posting this in the right spot (sorry if i didnt).

Anyhow.....i was at a friends on the weekend, and she had a gardening book from the 60's that i was looking at, and in it, it said, to grow amazing peppers, add 3 or 4 matches from a book of matches when you plant your pepper plants, claims that the peppers LOVE sulphur?

Has anyone heard of doing this???
I am no expert, but there have been a few threads about that on here. Seems that it will not provide a huge boost to size or output but does help keep them ultimately healthier.
Really, thats good to know, i might try it on a couple and just watch and see how it goes.
It is pretty much a null practice now though penny. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) replace the need for matches and they have magnesium also.
millworkman said:
It is pretty much a null practice now though penny. Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) replace the need for matches and they have magnesium also.

I have heard of that too, and i do have Epsom salts in the house, might be easier to use that then matches :), since i dont smoke (LOL)!!!
Matches were just an old timey way of making sure they had sulfur. You were supposed to put a match and a pinch of Epsom salts in the hole when planting tomatoes and peppers. Remember, they were forced to grow crops with out hydro nutes *gasp!* back in the Olden Days. Matches and Epsom salts were cheap and easy to come by.

I do it, more because I like the connection to the past then because the plants don't have other sources of magnesium or sulfur.
Don't forget to check that the stuff you have laying around the house doesn't have perfume or other additives. Never know what maybe harmful. Check the listed ingredients.