Pepper Ripening Length

So my reapers are finally starting to ripen! 24 days from first noticing the start of fruit to the first sign of color change.  
Other than a occasional jalapeno and Anaheim i dont pick anything until its ripe. Pods i save for seeds stay on the plant a little bit longer. Ive tried several chinenses and baccatums green. They all pretty much sucked. I sampled a green bolsa de dulce the other day just to see if it had any heat....Nope but at least it didnt taste like ass................Oops grass. :D
At the end of the season i get plenty of greeners to play with. Some make a really good hot vinegar.
My Carolina Reaper on June 11th: 
and the same one on June 21st:


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Doelman said:
I documented the growth of my first reaper.  
First pod appearance 6/12

Full size 6/21

First signs of ripening 7/8

Full color 7/12

So for this particular pod, it took exactly 1 month from fruit set to full color.
.Thank you for an informative photo-journal of your pepper grow!
Hope your season as successful as this post!
LSUtigers said:
Nice! Looks like your plant is loaded with big, gnarly pods.
I have 4 reaper plants and each one has 20-30 pods on it, some gnarly suckers for sure!  That first early pod was already scorching in heat, I can't wait to try the later pods!
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
.Thank you for an informative photo-journal of your pepper grow!
Hope your season as successful as this post!
It's only July and I'm already giving away pods because I have too many, definitely my most productive pepper season to date!