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pepper seed question

you can try... it'll only work if the pods were dried at a low temperature but if they were dried at higher temps that would have killed the seed. only one way to find out, and i've heard lots of stories about it working so it's not like it's an insignificant chance they'll be good.
is it that you just really like that pepper and want more for free or are you just looking for seeds?
btw welcome!
If you buy them in the supermarket, it's pretty likely that they have been dried at high temperature, simply to speed up the process. Still worth a try though, you can still eat the dried peppers, so you got nothing to lose...

If you are looking for seeds, make a post in the marketplace section!
What seeds are you looking for? This is a pretty generous group, and most folks are gracious enough to share their extras.

Oh, and welcome from South Carolina!
arkansaspepperguy said:
could I buy fresh peppers and dry the seeds and use them then?

you can, but the other thing about peppers you buy is that they might be hybrids so the plants that come up may give fruit that's nothing like the chile you got seeds from (also there's a chance the seeds of hybrids wouldn't be viable, but thats a smaller chance)
i really think you'll get along fine in the marketplace forum
arkansaspepperguy said:
Could I buy these dried peppers in the supermarket and use the seeds to grow peppers?
I've heard of someone who grew a plant from a seed out of his crushed chilli jar. I used seeds from dried peppers last year, but they were from a market that had left them to dry naturally. Give it a go anyway, only one way to tell if it will work.
arkansaspepperguy said:
could I buy fresh peppers and dry the seeds and use them then?

Yeah you can do this. Or sow the seeds fresh straight from the chilli, germination will probably be even quicker than if sowing the seed from dry.