seeds Pepper seedlings wilting :(

asadsm said:
Thanks a lot! Yea I've read a lot before starting but in practice is where all the learning will happen. I'm planning on a drip system with a coco coir mix. I'm not providing any nutrients as of yet, thanks for the advice regarding when to start because I was confused about that. I plan on giving a concentration below what they recommend on the fertilizer, probably start around 10% concentration and see how that goes. I will let you guys know how everything goes. I'm glad the community is beginner friendly and look forward to contributing more when I learn :D
I'm thankful too about this community !!  Everyone has to start at the beginning.  It doesn't matter how much you read about growing peppers ( reading is highly recommended... ). Sooner or later we have all run into problems or questions. For me, this forum has been very supportive and helpful !
I haven't yet tried the drip. I will though.... soon !  I plan on using rock wool cubes (expensive ?).  At 53 years of age, I like my toys !!!
I can't say absolutely about where to start your Nute concentration, but if I were in your shoes I move it up to more in the range of 30-50 percent to start. That's just me though. Like I said before, I am pretty good at killing my plants !!! Seriously though the key to good plant growth in down where you can't see... the roots. The roots need to be established and healthy before you give them a tidal wave of Nutes. Lots of oxygen in the root zone will make them strong.
So good luck to you !!  Keep us up to date. Maybe your could create a Grow Log on the new plants !
Happy Growing !
Thank you everyone for the amazing advice, the seedlings are looking much better now. I'm also trying the germination in zip lock bags. Once I setup the whole hydroponic system I'll take proper pictures and do a write up on the grow logs and then track progress there :)
For now, this is the result after the valuable advice :)
WhatsApp Image 2017-10-19 at 6.36.45 PM.jpeg