seeds Pepper seeds planted Hot and Sweet

Hi all,

Will I got a good group of pepper seeds planted.Hope to get them in the garden around mid May.It will be a very busy year for me. Still got a few more to plant but sweet peppers are done.

Sweet peppers: Red Ruffled Pimento,Yellow Bell,Cal Wonder,Buran,Purple Bell,Grandpa Stella,Doux d' Espagne,Pimento Blanquino ,Earliest Red Sweet,Canary Belle,King Arthur,Sweet Boy, Napoleon and two as yet unnamed Large bells.

Hot Peppers: Fish,Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet,Bhut Jolokia,Aji Crystal,Fatali,Cayenne Long Red,Serrano,Hidalgo, Jalapeño and Habanero.

Will have more hots planted in a couple days.
