• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

PepperDaddler's 2013 Glog (UPDATE 9/28/13)

Hello all.
Guess it might be a little late to start growing this year but dammit I'm gonna try. It is Florida after all. I don't have pictures from the very beginning and I only have an old phone to get pictures so bear with me, and sorry if I'm doing it wrong. 
This is my grow list for this year.
From seed:
7 Pot Brain Strain
Yellow Trinidad Scorpion x 7 Pot
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
Red Trinidad Scorpion
Dorset Naga
7 Pot Primo
Butch T Scorpion
Florida Grove Pepper
Black Pearl
Yellow Moruga
Red Habanero
Orange Habanero
Jalapeno M
Sweet Datil
Hot Datil
Corno Di Toro
"Cheaters" from the flea market:
Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Dorset Naga
Red Savina Habanero

Non Peppers:

Chocolate Mint
Patio Tomato
Beefsteak Tomato
Green Onion
I think some of the neighborhood kids got into my labels, so I will have a few plants that will have to be mysteries until they pod up. All have sprouted so far and I may have to do an edit later on to properly ID them, but I will, I promise.
Here is a couple of pics to get this thing started. The colors are dull because that is how the phone camera is.
Various sprouts, will give them better pics and actually name them later:


Datil OWs (Frost got em):


Black Pearl just got from the neighbor not looking too hot:

I cheated this year because it is late and I'm ready for pods. Got 3 plants from the flea market today, its my second year so I can get away with it still :D :

Red Trinidad Moruga Scorpion:




Bump please.
Que Marvin Gaye.....

Great looking growth you got going on, the seedlings are looking strong there.

I'm going to be adding just over 100 lbs of lime to my garden once everything is pulled this fall, but my ph is only 5.1 so I need it bad but have gotten lucky and the plants have finally decided to deal with it and get on with their growing.
So I don't add lime as a nutritional supplement? For the calcium and magnesium? Sounds like you are just doing it to level out your pH when there is NOTHING growing.
I have never done anything but watered plants so I am kind of lost on nutes.
I know about the teas and everything but if I was to just use the MG and cal mag instead of nothing at all I would think it better than just using water and flushing out the pots. I gotta replace the nutrients somehow. Just don't know when and how often. The plants are podding or trying to flower so I probably already missed my mark.
Hello THP. Been exactly a month since my last update. I should have done it a week and a half ago. Everything was very impressive then. 
We had rain since the 17th. It has rained every single day and it is causing what was once robust green leaves and flowers everywhere on really bush plants to turn into yellowed dropping leaves and almost no flowers on some "sticks". This has caused more damage than the aphids and broad mites combined, so I wish I had better pictures.
I have just a few pictures to get you guys up to date with. By this time I had hoped to have pods everywhere but the rain changed all that. I was truly set up for it until that happened. On top of that, it's starting to get colder...
There still are a good number of pods, but they are mostly still green and nothing really to show off. I wanted this to be a colorful update and nature changed that idea. The ladybugs have done their job and have flown away. Some have returned and every once in a while I will see one. All of the plants with the broad mite damage have bounced back, and overall everything is OK except for the state everything is in right now. But I think when it all dries out it will only be a minor setback and things will take off again. (I hope).
Here are some pics:
Purple Dorset Naga mutation off of my Red podded plant. I let it ripen for almost two weeks after it turned purple. It never went red. Seeds are saved:

Side by side with its neighboring pods from the same plant:


The bells ripened but had BER. First time anything of mine has had it:

Thought it might be a good idea to show myself:

PepperProblem Plants. TS Moruga Blend:

The new kids on the block are doing nicely:


Red Grocery store Habanero:


Bump please.
Thank You.
This Brain Strain has stayed this same size all season, I dont know what its deal is:

Big Datil:

Orange grocery store Habanero:


Red Savina Habanero:

Dorset Naga with first pods:

Supposed to be Dorsets on this plant, look more like Bhuts to me:

Florida Grove Pepper:

Trinidad Scorp which had major mite damage bouncing back:

Here is how the WHOLE plant looked before:
Mysteries. Supposed to be Dorset Naga but I like whatever these are better. Huge pods.
I will post pics of ripe peppers of all of my mysteries when they are ready:

Once again supposed to be Dorsets, but those are always dark green. These are light green and very pimply and bumpy, I like these also:

I have lots of Japs:

Black Pearl:


BAD BAD kitties!:

And lastly, Powder production has begun...:




Thanks to all for tolerating my crappy old cell phone pictures.

It didn't help that I was drunk when taking them.