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Pepperfreak's 2008 Happy Pepper Porn

I decided to post some happy pepper pictures, especially since I think that the last pepper pics that I posted I was in a state of hypervetalation...LOL...I hope that everyone enjoys.

Hot Hungarian Wax Flower

A very proud Habanero Flower

A Cayenne sample...

Another Happy Hot Hungarian Wax
rainbowberry said:
Very healthy looking plants but is it just me that maybe thinks they would like a bigger house?

I am SURE that they would like a bigger house...Me too...LOL...They are all being planted out next month. They will soon be free...
I don't know if it's just me though as I upgrade them from a tiny little bed sit to a mansion which isn't a good idea either :)
Next year...I will have a "green room" in my basement that is going to be 12'x8' dedicated to all of my plants. I can't wait...All that I need to do is paint/seal the block walls, build a work bench and order some more shelves.

It is going to be a huge difference from the small closet that I'm using now. Bigger room = bigger pots = bigger plants :)
rainbowberry said:
:lol: You call plants with flowers seedlings? They're teenagers at "moving away from home stage".
The only one using the word "seedling" here is me, so I guess you're talking to me (Taxi Driver style :cool:).
I was talking about the actual seedlings under the lights. no flowers yet.

BTW, editing won't help ya.
rainbowberry said:
I don't know if it's just me though as I upgrade them from a tiny little bed sit to a mansion which isn't a good idea either :)

I think that they will be fine. When you get plants from CCN, they are in smaller containers... I just don't have the room for another potting up session. Next year, yes. But right now...no space :(

rainbowberry said:
:lol: You call plants with flowers seedlings Omri? They're teenagers at "moving away from home stage".

I agree they are teenagers and are feeding like them too...:lol:
Omri said:
The only one using the word "seedling" here is me, so I guess you're talking to me (Taxi Driver style :cool:).
I was talking about the actual seedlings under the lights. no flowers yet.

BTW, editing won't help ya.
I'm talking about the ones with flowers :banghead: And yeah I edited it to be talking to you in non-taxi driver style :cool:
Thanks. I started my plants in 8oz cups...I will move them to 16 or, 20oz cups in near future. I still have almost 2 months for plant out.