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Pepperfreak's Goods

The Hot Pepper

Fatalii Powder from Pepperfreak!


  • pepperfreak_fatalii.jpg
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Those are Lego tires, but thanks!
Fiery is how much you add, I was concentrating more on the flavor. I liked it.
Looks good.....For a US pizza!!!!!!:P

I've been enjoying choc hab powder on my home made pizza's lately. Just seems to go together really well....
pepperfreak's powders that he sent me are just outadisworld. My whole pantry smells of heavenly aroma of them peppers.
Would love to use them in sauces.
Thanks PF.

moyboy said:
Looks good.....For a US pizza!!!!!!:P

I've been enjoying choc hab powder on my home made pizza's lately. Just seems to go together really well....

We need to see pics of this Aussie pizza. How are they different? Of course everywhere you go in the US they are different. I am partial to Neopolitan style pizza myself.
pepperfreak, check your PM,
paulky_2000 said:
I'm nearly OUT of my bhut/fatalli powder....

I really like using the Bhut powder on almost everything although I don't cook with it as my wife is the complete opposite - she likes bland food :( I put 'hot stuff' on most everything - either as purchased sauces or my own powder mixes. Do you mix the Bhut/Fatalli together? If so, can you detect both in the mixture? The Bhut is now my favorite as the 'after burn' is enjoyable, assuming you don't overdo it of course. Unfortunately, I'm so low that I don't have any to share right now. I plan on making larger batches this year.
Hmm haven't made Fatalii powder yet, will have to try that.

Here are my home made pizzas. The one on the left uses pickled Fatalii's (best tasting pizza ever and you have to have them with pineapple!) and obviously one on the right uses Jalapenos. Both also have Bhut Jolokia paste mixed with tomato paste and herbs spread on the base.


All the ingredients that I use in my pizzas

Then we cook it on the chiminea, YUM
moyboy said:
Looks good.....For a US pizza!!!!!!:P

I've been enjoying choc hab powder on my home made pizza's lately. Just seems to go together really well....

US pizza? As opposed to the mythical Aussie pizza? Oh yeah...I remember now. That's the UDS pizza!
Fatalii pizza sounds fantastic...don't know whether I could chew those lego tires though...

how was it THP?