food Pepperfreak's version of Pigs in a Blanket...

Sorry no pictures...:( But, you've got to try this!

This is my version of pigs in a blanket.

I took some hot dogs and sliced them long wise so that there is a small pocket in them and filled this pocket with cheese and Snake Bite hot sauce. Then I wrapped them with Pillsbury's Croissants and baked them in the oven.

OMG...Best darn hot dog I've had in awhile.
that sounds scrumptous Paul....and so simple too...
AlabamaJack said:
that sounds scrumptous Paul....and so simple too...

Thanks AJ. It was very simple and quick. I'm thinking that the next time I try this, I'm going to try stuffing the hot dogs with chopped peppers. I'm also planning on experimenting with different sauces.
I love onions...what about a few diced onions with the peppers inside the dog?
yummmm. Now I have a delehma...Do I make home-fries and eggs for dinner or wrapped hot dogs? I'm drooling for both now...LOL