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Pepperfreaky Pepper Porn 6/11/08

I have been wanting to share some pepperporn with you all, But unfortunately my in-laws were camped out in my home office that also doubles as a spare bedroom. Since they have now left, here goes...Quick questions to all you pepper veterans first. I noticed that a few (most) of the plants that I started from seed are now giving me pods. For instance, my Orange Hab plants which are only about 10 - 12 inches already have pods forming. My question is should I feel grateful and leave them along or pinch them off to produce a bigger bush? Please keep in mind that I live in NE Ohio and our grow season can be quit short.

*Enough with all of the questions...Get on with the porn*

Orange Hab Pod

Another baby Orange Hab

Orange Hab plant

Serrano Pods This plant is loaded...

4 more pictures to come....

A Serrano plant

Aji Red

Hot Hungarian The orange/red pods in the background is a Mariachi Plant

Thick Cayenne Pod
umhuh...very nice Paul...the hab I have that has all the pods on it didn't get much bigger all last year than yours is now...all of your plants look healthy and are producing...I have no comment on pinching flowers or pods to promote growth...it is the hardest thing in the world for me to do but I did it with my backups and they are growing like wildfire....

great porn...
That Serrano looks good, I ended up picking up one of those at a local greenhouse out of curiousity, it hasnt done much yet though.
Looking great! I don't often pinch early C. chinense flowers/pods but C. annuums, especially large ones are a diferent story.
Thanks AJ...You are right, I was pinching flowers while they were inside and it was hard as hell to do. Now that they are outside, I'm thinking to just let nature take it's course. I'm just curious what everyone else's thoughts/opinions are....

Calor, I am sure that your Serrano's will take off any day now. These seem to be very productive plants. At least mine are...
AlabamaJack said:
umhuh...very nice Paul...the hab I have that has all the pods on it didn't get much bigger all last year than yours is now...all of your plants look healthy and are producing...I have no comment on pinching flowers or pods to promote growth...it is the hardest thing in the world for me to do but I did it with my backups and they are growing like wildfire....

great porn...
I was thinking of pinching back my one hab. I didn't know people did that at all with pepper plants. I might havee to give it a try.
Looking great! I don't often pinch early C. chinense flowers/pods but C. annuums, especially large ones are a diferent story.

Thanks for the clarification, I have been sitting here thinking :think: that you pinched everything off until your plants were gigantic...:lol:
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Plants look great Paul!!

Thanks Tom. Like you, I had some nights of tossing and turning worrying about them in a couple of storms but, knock on something wooden, I haven't lost one yet. In fact, I am really surprised that no neighborhood cat hasn't eaten them since we do have a problem with cats running at large here... Oops...I hope that I just didn't jinx myself.

Grifo said:
Beautiful plants
excellent work in great health ;)

Thanks, I'm praying that I can keep them all healthy throughout the season. The plants I got from CrossCounrtyNurseries are a lot smaller than the ones I started, so I'm busy babying them so that they can catch up.

imaguitargod said:
Mice looking pods.....makes me hungry.

IGG...Thanks...:lol: Did you mean nice looking pods? OR did you see mice in my pods? :P
Nice plants, my recovering after dears chew the top of bunch plant even I had mood balls ,garlic & even Ivory soap & fence in they are like possess this year they jump over the fence for fife year I did't had problem with those animals.
Thanks...WOW...Glad to hear that they are recovering. Have you tried getting some human hair and spreading it around your plants? I have heard that this will also act as a deterrent.