Pepperhead Society of North Florida--anyone interested


I just confirmed with Dr Cantliffe today that we are officially starting the Pepperhead Society of North Florida. We envision this to be a free membership of people around here who love all things pepper!!!! Social meetings ( yes with adult beverages)  with great guest speakers covering super topics of both growing and food!!! Dr Cantliffe is the head of the University of Florida Ag office here in St Johns county and did his thesis on the famed datil pepper. Also one of the founding members is Eddie Lambert--aka Dr Pepper around here for his involvement in the pepper industry in north Florida. Future speakers I hope to include in our forums is Endorphin Farms ,a large private bottle labler here in st augie for sauces and bbq and Chris Way originator of Datil Doit sauces. I am in process of getting all the big pepper farmers to join and share their knowledge and seeds.I discussed this with our moderator of this site and he is all behind us. All I need is your real name and email if you want to join in on the fun and excitement.We will have a membership booth at the upcoming Datil Pepper Festival on October 5 and 6th at the Ag Center... What do ya think?????????????????