• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Pepperhead's Super Glog-O-Rama! (Now with Pics!)

I had a pretty successful little Habanero plant a few years ago, but haven't been anywhere long enough to try again. But this year I'm stable enough to try again, so here is my beginner's glog and we can all laugh at my newbie mistakes, or beginner's luck together.

I'm attempting 3 different peppers this year: Habaneros, Cayennes, and Kung Pao. Nothing too special, just some common store brands. I'll try some super hots next year.

Planted them into peat pellets on Thursday the 15th, so probably not another update until they sprout. I'll be transferring them into 5 gallon drywall buckets after that.

We'll see how it goes. I'll post some pictures of the first sprouts when they arrive.

See ya then!
Alright some of my not-hots also growing this year. I've got a patch of watermelons and pumpkins going which has about taken over my yard. I've got at least 9 watermelons growing. We think they are all the yellow variety although some might be Carolina Giants. But only one pumpkin.


Not a great picture but on the left you can see my "gourd" watermelon which came out...well...gourd shaped. The big leafies on the right are from my lumina pumpkin. Hard to make out is the watermellon vines straddling the fence probably ten feet beyond the completely overgrown grow box.


Gourd melon


3 Watermelons in one corner. The one on the bottom left is really big.


The big one from the previous picture.


Big one hidden in the patch.


A small one.


This one escaped into my neighbor's yard. I told him he could keep whatever grew on his side of the fence. This is the first of two.


A new baby. I took these pics today and the twisty tie on the fence is to check how far the vine grows in one day.


My first successful pumpkin. I've tried before to grow pumpkins but could never get one to set. I really like the look of the lumina. Can't wait to pick this for Halloween.


My one lone cuke. The cukes were nearly completely destroyed by wind when they were little and we thought they wouldn't come back. The vines are now thriving and we were surprised by this guy today. Hope you enjoyed the viney part of my garden.
So I have three tomatoe plants growing, Mr. Stripey, super sweets and Juliets. Mr. Stripey has been miserable all season and I had pretty much written him off. Sure enough, maybe a month left to the season and he fights the good fight and produces one tomato for me. Lets hope maybe he'll fight a little harder and give me a few more.