review Reviews Series Round 2 - Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet

Time for another round of reviews for Judy.  This time though, she was kind enough to not send me pods that will damage me.  I got a box of non-supers in the mail yesterday (all but 1 is a non-super).  Here is what she sent:
Top Row (L - R): Charleston Hot, Choco Hab, Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet, Peach Bhut Jolokia (make up for botched video in last round of reviews)
Middle Row (L - R): Mustart Habanero, Peach Habanero, Black Congo, Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Bottom Row (L - R): Chiero Roxa, Tazmanian Habanero, Trinidad Scorpion Sweet

Up first is the Peach Bhut Jolokia:
Another great all around pepper.  It had good heat and flavor combined.  It had a good sweet, fruity flavor up front with a hint of floral flavor to let you know you were still eating a bhut jolokia.  Heat was a mid-level burn in the superhot spectrum.

Sorry again for the audio sync issues.  Not sure what happened again, but I know it's annoying!

My rating:
Heat: 7.5
Flavor: 8
I like Peach Bhuts a lot, so nice to see your review. 
Judy sent you some awesome varieties, I`m sure you`ll do them justice!
Today I ate one of Judy's peach bhut jolokias whole.  It kicked my butt good!  Not quite as much as the red bhut carbon I ate last year, but I still had to have two glasses of milk after. Remember my tolerance is low especially compared to Brian.  Is it just me or are Judy's peppers hotter than normal? i have a sauce called Ultimate Jolokia which is supposedly about 70% bhut and that is nothing compared to the pods. Even last week I ate a yellow congo, which is basically a habanero and is was SO much hotter than the habaneros you get at the grocery store.
Anyway I'm glad I survived this. Up next, one of her 7 pod browns whole and I am quite nervous about this!
Good luck with the 7-pot brown. Those things are insane. Watch Brian`s recent review to find out how insane!!! i had one a few months ago and it was crazy hot. And huge, too. 
I love Trinidad congo peppers. Joemomma on here turned me onto them and the Red Trinidad Congo is my all-time favourite pepper. They are a LOT hotter than any Habanero. 
Sorry for the delay in posting these reviews guys.  Been a busy weekend.  But without further ado:
Cheiro Roxa:
This was a nice little pepper.  Good flavor and nice heat for a non-superhot.  For the average person, this will provide good heat.  Chiliheads who are used to eating superhots will think it is pretty low.  Nevertheless, it is a nice little pepper.

My Rating:
Heat: 2.5
Flavor: 8
Trinidad Scorpion Sweet:
What a great tasting pepper.  I went into this review thinking I knew how this was going to taste, but I was completely thrown for a loop.  It tasted nothing like the superhot Trinidad Scorpions do.  What a unique flavor!

My Rating:
Heat: 1.5
Flavor: 9
Peach Habanero:
This was a middle of the road type of pepper for me.  Decent heat, and decent flavor.  Not the best, but certainly not the worst.  It did pack a little more heat than I expected from something with "Habanero" in the name.
My Rating:
Heat: 5
Flavor: 7
Tasmanian Habanero:
Great tasting pod, this was.  Had a very unique flavor.  Was below orange habanero level heat.

My Rating:
Heat: 3
Flavor: 9
Wow Brian, you are piling on the reviews!!! Great work, as usual.
I have to say, I love Trinidad scorpion sweet. Incredibly sweet, but still with a little kick. Give Romy6 a call and get some of Jamie`s Not white bhuts. They are even better!!!
Black Congo:
Another outstanding pepper.  The flavor was awesome!  And for a non-superhot, this packed a good punch.  This is a must grow!

Edit: I just realized that I likened the flavor of this to the Tasmanian Habanero.  That was the wrong pepper.  I meant to say that it was like the Trinidad Scorpion Sweet!

My rating:
Heat: 6
Flavor: 10
Wes Lane turned me on to Trinidad Congo peppers and the red one is my all time favourite pepper. Looks like I`ll have to buy one of those Trinidad congo 4-colour seed packs from Judy, so I can grow all the different colors.
Nice review, as always.
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet:
Yet another fantastic tasting pepper from Judy.  Love the flavor explosion I got in my mouth from this.  Very juicy and very citrusy.  And a good burn to boot!
My Rating:
Heat: 5
Flavor: 10