Time for another round of reviews for Judy. This time though, she was kind enough to not send me pods that will damage me. I got a box of non-supers in the mail yesterday (all but 1 is a non-super). Here is what she sent:
Top Row (L - R): Charleston Hot, Choco Hab, Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet, Peach Bhut Jolokia (make up for botched video in last round of reviews)
Middle Row (L - R): Mustart Habanero, Peach Habanero, Black Congo, Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Bottom Row (L - R): Chiero Roxa, Tazmanian Habanero, Trinidad Scorpion Sweet
Up first is the Peach Bhut Jolokia:
Another great all around pepper. It had good heat and flavor combined. It had a good sweet, fruity flavor up front with a hint of floral flavor to let you know you were still eating a bhut jolokia. Heat was a mid-level burn in the superhot spectrum.
Sorry again for the audio sync issues. Not sure what happened again, but I know it's annoying!
My rating:
Heat: 7.5
Flavor: 8
Top Row (L - R): Charleston Hot, Choco Hab, Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet, Peach Bhut Jolokia (make up for botched video in last round of reviews)
Middle Row (L - R): Mustart Habanero, Peach Habanero, Black Congo, Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet
Bottom Row (L - R): Chiero Roxa, Tazmanian Habanero, Trinidad Scorpion Sweet

Up first is the Peach Bhut Jolokia:
Another great all around pepper. It had good heat and flavor combined. It had a good sweet, fruity flavor up front with a hint of floral flavor to let you know you were still eating a bhut jolokia. Heat was a mid-level burn in the superhot spectrum.
Sorry again for the audio sync issues. Not sure what happened again, but I know it's annoying!
My rating:
Heat: 7.5
Flavor: 8