
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
Buzzman19 said:
Ordered seeds on the 21st and still havent received them.  Last order I received in two days, just a little disappointed. 
Guess its time to fill out a report.
I've never purchased anything from Pepper Lover but I will when it comes to making a seed purchase (due to the hundred umpteen glowing reviews). I just thought it was strange that you haven't received your order in 5 WHOLE days and you are going to file a report ???? Evidently you have no concept of how taxed seed companies are at this time of the year with the harvest, seed recovery, drying, packaging, ect. Patience Grasshopper Patience (just my 2 cents)
RedNeck Spysee Chilez said:
I've never purchased anything from Pepper Lover but I will when it comes to making a seed purchase (due to the hundred umpteen glowing reviews). I just thought it was strange that you haven't received your order in 5 WHOLE days and you are going to file a report ???? Evidently you have no concept of how taxed seed companies are at this time of the year with the harvest, seed recovery, drying, packaging, ect. Patience Grasshopper Patience (just my 2 cents)
Well to be fair the order stated shipped on the 21st, when I have ordered in the past I received the order in two days so I am assuming its lost in the mail. 
Hopefully it will arrive Monday and I can just notify them is so.  I find your post a bit condescending without knowing the true details.  As I said the order stated shipped and its a two day jump from her destination to mine. I realize my original post said order 21st so I guess that could be misconstrued as whatever. 
Anyhow, peace and all that. 
I was very very disappointed with Pepperlover. I ordered seeds which took almost 2 months to receive. Judy just kept giving excuses one after the other. And of the seeds I did receive the quality was poor. Most where crushed either by here or in transit due to there poor packaging. If you want quality as well as quantity. Go with buckeye pepper. Excellent service. Judy you highly dissappointed me. I had heard so many good things about you and I had high hopes. Oh and how many freebies did I receive for this 2 month delay? Nada, Zip, Ziltch, Zero. So not sure exactly what people are talking about when they say oh she is so generous. When she didn't even send me something to say hey sorry for huge delay.
cmpman1974 said:
First post on THP and this is the one?  lol.   Not even a welcome post first?
You are Chris right? Sorry Chris but I had to speak my mind. I am not one to sugar coat things. Just ordered some of your seeds from puckerbutt. Looking forward to giving them a shot. CP302.
bondgirl69 said:
What's going on with Pepperlover? Alot of seeds aren't stocked. I hear about delays. Is Judy still active or what? Not trolling just concerned!
Well it is one of the busiest times of the year for someone in her line of work. She also told me the new seeds will be listed in November.
Ordered 30 October, shipped 2 Novmeber, arrived today:

Hot Salsa and Hot Beads as freebies, also loads of seeds.
All more than fine!