
I ordered my seeds through Judy after doing quite a bit of searching around. Her selection is excellent, the order shipped quickly and without errors, the prices are reasonable, and included in my order were 3 free gifts of seeds, including the rare Trinidad Scorpion Mourouga. Overall, I was more than happy with my experience and plan on doing future business with In fact, the only quibble I have, and it's a minor one, is that there were some grammatical and spelling errors on the website, which is less than stellar, but I'm not buying the website so I really don't care personally, just thought I'd mention it playing devil's advocate.

Thanks Judy!!
i ordered red yellow choc(brown) ghosts and brainstrains this year.
issue 1
red brainstrain didn't grow true, elongated pods. choc and yellow are good. 
yellow ghosts are great, red and choc are tiny, not good genetics. 
these are pretty standard varieties that should be stable by now...
issue 2
Judy from pepperlover used to be active in community posting pictures, developing new varieties, commenting on random stuff. 
No idea if she sold it or just isn't active anymore for some other reason?
I don't think i'll order from pepperlover anymore. 
I ordered seeds from them this year.  Received quickly with a bonus.  

Sadly got 0% germination.  Also noticed that they may not be restocking.  I setup "notify" for about a dozen varieties and have never been notified they are back in stock.

Are they just selling off old stock?
Sonja said:
I ordered seeds from them this year.  Received quickly with a bonus.  

Sadly got 0% germination.  Also noticed that they may not be restocking.  I setup "notify" for about a dozen varieties and have never been notified they are back in stock.

Are they just selling off old stock?
Oops. I bought most of next year's new varieties from them. Sure hope I don't end up with 0% germination.
HatchChileFestival said:
Oops. I bought most of next year's new varieties from them. Sure hope I don't end up with 0% germination.
yeah I bought 6 varieties from them recently also some of the seeds from a glance don’t look promising but the others look fine

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HatchChileFestival said:
You're right, dragonsfire. Still, I would be pretty unhappy if those seeds really were all bad ... but then I am an optimist. :-) Got enough reserves so I could plant different stuff, should everything go wrong with pepperlover seed.
Maybe do a germination test now or start your back ups at the same time you were planning to start  the questionable seeds.  That way, the back up plan (if needed), won't  delay your season.
I also had some low  to no germination from some of the seeds I got there for this past season. Most of the problem seeds were rocotos , so it might just have been my inexperience with getting that type of pepper to germinate.
IDK, a germination test may backfire, as I only have a limited number of seeds. If only very few germinate, chances are that I am out of bullets once the real thing is supposed to take off.
Well, I have enough seeds for 2021 in store so those will be my backup in case some of the 2020 ones fail. My "balcony plantation" is very limited in space, no more than 25 plants will be possible.
I’ve ordered my fair share of stuff from here, last time a couple years ago.. I don’t think I would now reading all this. I agree, very sad... was a good place to pick up a ton of stuff.

That said, I can see the vendor vault thing here is a good thing. Ordered from two other vendors that have topics here, that I found here, to supplement my saved seed varieties. Received some good looking seed from both and looking forward to next year!
juanitos said:
Judy from pepperlover used to be active in community posting pictures, developing new varieties, commenting on random stuff. 
No idea if she sold it or just isn't active anymore for some other reason?
cmpman1974 said:
I think the Judy we all knew who ran Pepperlover is long, long gone and some mystery person is behind the scene that doesn't care to interact with forum members.  All the business became popular for seems to have disappeared. :(  A real shame.  She had a stellar reputation in the pepper world for years.  It's so sad to see that lost.
I noticed over the last few years that seeds were going NIS and not restocked and "New for 201X" not updated.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
No idea but i sent a PM to them on the forum and have not got a response. The account has not logged into THP for a little while now.
Last Active Jan 31 2019 05:53 AM
Just want to update this since i just recently noticed it while cleaning up old messages. The message showed as read by pepperlover and i never got a response about the CCN/Pepperlover Dragons Breath seedlings i got.
Read: Apr 08 2019 04:22 PM
I have a very bitter taste over my last seed order. Of the 6 varieties I bought I started 5 of the 6 and not a single seed germinated. Every other seed has popped from other venders ... it’s disappointing and a waste not sure what happened to the company but it’s not worth the headache

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Well, I had all my chinense peppers in water on Dec 20, in soil or other media after that. The ones from RFC had a 4/4 germination rate. Due to what I read here I had at least 5 seeds in the water for all pepperlover seeds. The results until today: 0/5 Peach Fatalii, 2/5 Chocolate Fatalii (the 2nd one only today), 1/5 Black Fatalii. On Dec 11 I started the Texas Wild Tepin, 1/8 until 2 days ago when a second one germinated.
So, the seeds take really long to germinate and few of them have done so thus far. But if you can keep them mold-free long enough you might still be able to get at least a single plant. I just started the annuums a few days ago so can't say anything yet. I would expect them to do slightly better, though. Let's see.
Has anyone ordered from pepperlover lately? I placed 2 orders, one on the 8th of January and one on the 10th of January and haven't received shipment notifications for either orders. Last year the shipments were sent out a lot quicker (within a week).
I never got an answer to my email either, a couple of months ago. However, the seeds arrived. Germination is still a bit sub-par, currently. The Annuums aren't much better than the Chinenses. After 14 days, very few seeds germinated. It sure looks like the seeds are old. Seeds from other suppliers and my own have much better germination rates.
BTW, does anyone know Judy in person? Is she still around in the chili community - somewhere else perhaps? I can't believe that Judy is any way still in charge after all I've read of her and how she ran PL in the past.
I am happy, however, that most kinds produced at least one healthy plant. I am still waiting for a Peach Fatalii and a "Wine" to show. I only used 5 seeds initially, so there will be a second attempt.
HatchChileFestival said:
BTW, does anyone know Judy in person? Is she still around in the chili community - somewhere else perhaps? I can't believe that Judy is any way still in charge after all I've read of her and how she ran PL in the past.
The only Chile-Head I knew that was close friends with Judy was Mike/smokemaster, but he has medical issues. Doesn't post much anymore but does stop by: