pepperlover's fatali

Recently Judy from Pepperlover sent me three kinds of pods; the fatali, the bhut jolokia indian carbon, and a third strain which looks like moruga scorpion, but I am not positive about this. I put them in the freezer and the other day ate my first fatali. This is the first "real" hot pepper I have ever eaten. In the past I have eaten a lot of hot sauces, but not a lot of chili peppers. The hottest I have had prior is a store bought orange habanero . So how did it go? Well, when I first put the pepper in my mouth the back of the throat burned instantly and I hiccupped like crazy. The heat peaked in about three minutes and then my face started to buzz. I did have a glass of milk afterward. I don't care if people think i'm a wimp or whatever. My concern was the stomach. I did get some warmth down there after a couple of hours but nothing serious.

On heat I would give this pepper a 10.5/12. It was very hot, but not unbearable. Flavor is hard for me to describe. To me all raw peppers kind of taste alike, sort of a semi bitter vegetable taste. I guess one could say a fatali tastes like a habanero except more pungent. Up next I will try the bhut carbon and I am slightly nervous about it. To anyone who has had fatali and bhut jolokia before, tell me how much worse is the bhut?

Anyway have a great day everybody.

TBJ The bhuts ive had have been the worst. I had ONE moruga out of two that had a hotter mouth burn, but the bhuts have been consitantly hotter than everything else and are also consistantly follwoed by a 30 minute complete face burn similar to a bad sunburn. The bhuts are alot worse than the fatali. Brace yourself. I recommend you try a sliver first.
*evil chuckle*

If a fatallii makes you cringe, then you are in for some fun with the Bhut. Its a good bit hotter.

IF you are worried about the stomach, drink the milk first...

I don't get hickups, or have the faceburn (unless I touch my face after handing a pepper...), but those are not uncommon. Nor is vommitting unheard of. I imagine those things would be worse coming up than going down... But I wouldn't know. I DO know you DO NOT want to handle the insides of a bhut bare handed. Because sure as anything you will need to go to the bathroom later, or touch your girlfriends face, or well, I cant think of much worse than going to the bathroom with "hunan hand".

In any case, you should definitely give one a try, Douglahs are reputed to be hotter... Should be getting some in the mail this weekend...

In any case, if you are interested in the experiences of others as they eat these (or other) peppers, we have a good forum search utility. there are endless threads of people eating hot things, and having (the exact same) reactions.
I think the Fatalii's are hotter than most people think. The Bhut's I've tried (regular, yellow, and chocolate) were definitely hotter, but not that much, The 7 pots and Scorpions were the hottest to me, and I even nearly had a panic attack from a Brain Strain.

I think it all depends on the growing conditions and individual response to the particular capsaicinoids. .
The Fatalii rocks and I tend to agree, that it is hotter than the Habanero's - even the Brown Hab IMO (Red, Orange, Brown [heatwise]). But it is quite a way off the Bhut. If you are lucky :) and get a super hot Bhut (depends on growing conditions - chillies can be really milder than expected) - it will be an experience and a half. I think most people will survive a Bhut... just most people will not enjoy the burn much.The most important thing is to (seriously) prepare yourself. 1) Never eat a Super on an empty stomach - if you don't line your stomach your stomach will cane you later BADLY. 2) Always have milk nearby - especially if this is your first.

One of my protocals is to eat a Brown Hab or Fatalii before I eat a Superhot. Much like getting in a cold pool. If you gradualy climatise your mouth & stomach to the heat, it's not such a shock to the system. Odd, but really works well for me - Good Luck!
I think it all depends on the growing conditions and individual response to the particular capsaicinoids. .

I agree as well as individual plant genetics. Even seeds from the same pepper can vary in heat I think.

The Fatalii rocks and I tend to agree, that it is hotter than the Habanero's - even the Brown Hab IMO (Red, Orange, Brown [heatwise]). But it is quite a way off the Bhut.

Mine are very hot as well but the Golden Habanero from Pepper Joe's seeds is hotter.
The Red Caribbean Habanero, Bhut Jolokia and the Butch T are quite a bit hotter though.
The Butch T Scorpion is painful. Hottest I have EVER tried and I thought the Bhut Jolokia was bad. :hell:
I agree as well as individual plant genetics. Even seeds from the same pepper can vary in heat I think.

Mine are very hot as well but the Golden Habanero from Pepper Joe's seeds is hotter.
The Red Caribbean Habanero, Bhut Jolokia and the Butch T are quite a bit hotter though.
The Butch T Scorpion is painful. Hottest I have EVER tried and I thought the Bhut Jolokia was bad. :hell:
Yea, growing conditions can affect the heat of the pods quite considerably. Last year we started seeing Fataliis here in South Africa. Not sure if these were from a local supplier or shipped in from the Congo... but they were super hot.
Have to agree on the ButchT which to date, is the most painful taste test I have ever done. Statistically there are hotter chillies than the ButchT... but it is still the worst burn I have ever experienced lol