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Peppers and asthma

So quick question. Anyone out there with asthma that are eating 1million+ peppers? I take a preventive steroid daily and rarely use my inhaler(2-3 times a week) wondering if my super hots would be ok for me to eat or make the death of me. Cheers
I'm asthmatic, but I don't consume whole superhots. I'll eat a sliver here and there, or in a meal, or a taste of powder but it's not because of the asthma really. I take non-steroidal albuterol every day which works pretty well for me. I just haven't gotten my heat tolerance up very far this year. About a week ago, while grinding dried pods without a respirator, I inhaled a small cloud of Black Naga powder. My lungs became inflammed and I had a hard time breathing for about 6 hours, but it went away by the next morning. I'm pretty sure this would've happenned to anyone, regardless of any prior condition. If you feel like you've got a good grip on your asthma, I'd suggest starting with a small piece of 1mil+ SHU peppers and working your way up gradually to whatever you're comfortable with. Powders are a good way to step it up because you can start of with just a few specks and keep going from there.
I have Asthma but haven't eat a full pod myself, I had a little pieces of some and haven't had trouble, but my main thought if you can eat other chilies you should be ok.  Smart small and keep trying bigger pieces if you don't have any trouble.   Remember even if you never had trouble if you do it will only get worse if you push things.    
Should not effect you at all. Never noticed any issues with breathing myself after eating superhots ... Seeing and feeling and being cohesive yes issues there :D
Stopping drool is the biggest issue
I'm not asthmatic myself, but my wife is, and she enjoys spicy food. She says that eating it opens up her bronchi and helps her clear out the system so she can breath easier. Starting small and working up to whatever you can tolerate sounds like good advice.
One of the research topics for capsaicin use is in reducing inflammation in the lungs of asthmatics. That doesn`t mean eating superhots will be Ok for you, so be careful and start slow, 
Gonna do my first pod review next week. Got my buddy George Payne sending me a few pods. A fatali and a 7 pot burgundy. Only doing half a pod tho! Sound about right?