Peppers and Tomato?

Once again I heard what I think is an urban legend.  That they grew tomato next to chili peppers and the tomato had an extra kick to it.  Is this even remotely possible?
Maybe if you're munching on peppers while gardening and get pepper oil on your tomatoes while handling them :) I grow tomatoes near my peppers [most seasons] and I think i've done that a couple times. Spicy tomatoes are yummy. 
Otherwise they would need to cross and bear some pepper-tomatoe hybrid. That would be awesome. Alas only in dreams.
I once stood next a dude on acid.  Yip.  Nothing happened.  I was hoping for osmosis.  No let's not even consider genetic contamination.
Never gonna happen.  If it was possible it would've been done by now - spicy tomatoes?  Yes please! 
tctenten said:
I have grown them side by side for years. Hasn't happened yet.
Same for me.
Also grew tomato next to chile, y nada... Besides, it is not recomended to grow one where the other grew in previous year, all because of diseases... (well, my garden is limited, and can't rotate them with other things, at least not completely).
Yep, figure it is an urban legend but wonder where it comes from.  You know you have heard or read it a time or two.  Why do people think it happens?
Grafting chile onto tomato.
Just like most other stem-grafted plants, there is a root stock and a scion. Only the fruit of the scion would form after a successful graft. That is unless you allow suckers to grow out from the root stock which I suppose may produce small inferior fruit.
My peppers get aphids and broad mites. My tomatoes get leaf miners. I agree I do not see any shared pests/diseases between the two. Mine grow close together as well.
rhm3769 said:
The only thing I got from growing tomatoes next to peppers was hornworms on my peppers....
Duuuuuuuuuude! so true. I liked it, just to unlike. I Friggen HATE hornworm! I had one the size of a hotdog eat half of a one and a half pound tomato (pineapple) in one night. And its one thing if they mess with my maters. If i find em the peppers they're getting tortured on their way out.
I had the most insane hornworm infestation possible my first year of really growing peppers. I had around 60 4-6 gallon buckets going all in my backyard. Didn't have any tomatoes. The following years I had tomatoes with my peppers.... haven't had any hornworms except for that first year. ymmv.
My peppers get aphids and broad mites. My tomatoes get leaf miners. I agree I do not see any shared pests/diseases between the two. Mine grow close together as well.

gonna hijack this right quick and ask you how you deal with leaf miners?
When the plants are still young I take my thumbnail and actually scrape the little bastards out of the leaf. You can typically see a yellow or tan-colored spot at the end of the trail where the larvae are located. I scrape over that until the yellow bugger pops out and squish him good. After the plants get about 2.5 feet tall I stop worrying about it. It is almost exclusively cosmetic damage after they have enough leaves growing.